Turkey #2 - Tagged Out in Iowa


Hope everyone had a great weekend. I was blessed with an extra fun hunt Sunday morning. Our middle two daughters wanted to go so I was really hoping for an action-packed hunt. We got in pretty early and I had bought them a donut as part of the fun of going with Dad. Unfortunately, I didn’t hear much on the roost so I knew nothing was real close but as you can imagine, with a 9 and 5 year old in the blind, things weren’t very quiet as someone is always moving or shifting around. I began to wonder if I should have only brought one of them. I was hunting a 40 acre piece where I could move very little so after it continued to be quiet, I began periodically calling as loud as I could to try and get one to hear it. I eventually heard a gobble a long ways off, waited a while and then called again and he was noticeably closer. I waited a while before calling again and he was even closer. I felt confident that he was coming. I decided to call one more time with the hope that he would gobble really close and the girls would get that blind-rattling gobble. He didn’t respond so I wondered what happened - as I’m setting the call down, I look out the side window and he’s headed straight for the decoy in full strut (he came from behind and I had the rear windows closed). Now I’m hoping the girls stay quiet and that I can get an arrow off. He came into about five yards…

After the shot and once he went down, the girls were really excited. Definitely a cool hunt and a memory that I’ll have forever. It was a beautiful morning (finally) - we saw several deer and a hen had come by earlier. The girls say they want to go more (next year) so hopefully I can get them out during early October and bow season.

Congrats again to everyone who got out this spring - getting to enjoy God’s creation is such a blessing and when we have success, it’s extra fun…looking forward to bow season but not before some fishing with the kids…


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That is awesome, looks like the girls were excited as you. I imagine there was girl giggling going on in the blind, memories all of you will remember! Great pics, gobbler and adventure, congrats.
Congrats. Great hunt, story, and memory builder for those girls. Well done - turkey with a bow and 2 girls along is an accomplishment!
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