Turkeyriver and son double up


death from above
I will let Daryl tell the story, I'm just posting the pics.

Congrats TR, well done on a couple pretty bucks.


I wish I was your son so I could come hunt the Turkeyriver mecca. Not sure how Bonker got in (not sure I wanna know) but damn it must be nice :moon:
Tears to an old man's eyes

That was quick DG, thanks. These bucks were both taken this past Sat. during our annual family bowhunt at the Stabbin Cabin of Bonker lore. I rattled in 4 bucks at once around 8a.m. Of course, the big one stayed out in the middle of the field with the ladies, but this guy was giving me such a show scraping and thrashing cedars, I couldn't resist. Plus, our annual hunts hadn't produced much in kills the last couple years, and it was time to break the ice. My shot wasn't the greatest, but he went down in sight so I must have hit an artery in there somewhere. By the time I got him cleaned out I had to run to attend a funeral, so the morning hunt was over. Afternoon rolled around and I sent my son to the timber reserve to hunt an obscure trail that runs around the rim of the hill. It's a stand where you see cruising bucks or nothing, so we were all in, so to speak. He texted me on the walk in,"Lots of deer moving, think I got in without spooking anything." About a half hour later he sent me a picture text of his buck and the celebrating began. He had to watch this guy approach for a couple minutes and made a perfect shot at 5 yards for a 50 yard recovery. I have to say tho, what made this hunt special was that it was my son's first deer since he was 15. He's now 23 and about to graduate from ISU with a degree in computer engineering. He spent a few years chasing other dreams and planning his escape from Iowa when he graduated. Luckily for me, the cabin, the hunting, and the time spent around the woodstove swapping lies, stories and discussing life with family and friends,( even the Bonker didn't scare him) brought him back around. Most of you guys are way younger than me, but I hope you can all experience someday what I got to this past weekend. When you clink beer bottles with your grownup son, or daughter, in toast to a successful hunt and time spent together it should bring tears to your old man eyes too. Good luck to all and please support the IBA.
Congrats to you both. Great memories for sure.

Escape Iowa? I can't dream of a better place :)
