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Vacation Time=Deer Hunting


Life Member
Vacation time, it’s time to spend with the family and friends, do some traveling, party hardy, or lay around doing nothing at all.

I have never taken any time off from work during the summer months before, but this summer I am taking seven days in August. Since I now have two grand children, and another one due in August I think it is time that I set my priorities. Spend more time with the family.

In the past I have always saved my vacation time for bow and muzzleloader seasons. However, since I get off from work at 2:30 p.m. I have time to hunt the evenings, and of course weekends. So this year I only plan to take 3 weeks of vacation during deer season.

And you thought I was a changed man.
I must have made the Bonker mad???????? :eek:

I see he hasn't voted the poll yet. :)

I just didn't want to leave him out............... :grin:
i take 1 week in november,but also hunt weekends & after work early in season.work til 5:30 or 6:00pm
I think it's different for everyone. For me it goes like this: In October when the daylight is still plentifull I will hunt after work and weekends for freezer meat does. In November I strategically used only two days of vacation time. The day before Veteran's day (which I have off) that leaves me with 8th saturday, 9th sunday, 10th monday (vacay), and 11th tuesday (vets day). I also took off the day before thanksgiving because at my job- from what I've heard- we get the friday following Thanksgiving off as well. So I have 26th wednesday (vacay), 27th thursday (thanksgiving), 28th friday (extended thanksgiving vacay), 29th saturday, and 30th sunday. I also have 60 hours of comp time I can use at a minutes notice plus the week and a half of sick time which comes in handy because for some reason or the other I usually get a real bad sick spell that coincides with the rockin' part of the rut. :)

I love my job!!!!
I have never taken a week off during hunting season (usually just a day here and there). But this year I'm taking a week off in Nov. It's been 18 months since I had a week off and I really can't wait till November.
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