Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

What do you do?

Print this thread out and mail it to him - that would let him know what the rest of the hunting community would do in the situation.
Had this happen to me two years ago. Had what I thought was a wide open shot at 35 yards but as the arrow was on the way I saw the luminock and fletch kick sideways and ended up right in front of the hind quarters. The buck walked off and I thought heck, rage two blade, I should get that deer. Ended up walking over to where i thought the arrow kicked, yep, there is one little limb, way off from the main tree about 10ft up that I missed when trimming...that is what I caught. Anyway, I left the stand and went home. Came back next morning with a dog as well and trailed deer down into the valley after about 200 yards we lost blood. At one point we think the dog might have had the trail but I was thinking, man that deer is not going to walk up that face of the hill hit where he was. Anyway, I walked that valley for two days, check the ponds down in there and the spring as well...NOTHING. Well, here my dad was in the local establishment eating breakfast....wait back up...The valley floor was a neighbor and I called him to look for the deer so he knew I shot one and was looking for it.....anyway back to the local establishment. Here the guy who I called came in and sat down with my dad and they were talking. Come to find out, his grand duahgter found the deer two days later, up on top of the ridge, yet up that steep slope and they cut the rack off. Well, that weekend we went over to see if I could see the rack. I didnt want it, since they found it but if I could have i would have taken it....but asked to just see it and they could keep it. Well they called the grand daughter and nope, was the biggest deer they have seen or in their words take on thier land and they were keeping it and i could not get a picture or even see it. All I remember from the deer was the first glance at it and knowing it was a 20" deer and really tall tined. Well, the one nephew said it was only a 9 pnt but was 21.5" inside and tall and heavy.

To this day, I have also found out that my highschool buddy knows this person with the horns and he cant even help me get a look at it. Well, we own 197 acres that surounds this property and I can tell you that if they ever have one run off their land, it will be hard as heck for them to come onto the land and retrieve a deer or use our valley road to get up in and access their land from the bottom to pull a deer out!!

I mean we have been neighbors for how many years! Since I was a kid and since my old man was a child and then to be like that and not even let me see the rack. I just dont know. I know, I know...we would end up letting them in the valley to get a deer out but I want to make damn well sure that they know what they did in not letting me at least look at the rack was bs.....Neighbors dont do that to one another...but I guess kinn of the neighbors can....Total BS...

Okay, done with my rant....SO..in conclusion from my experience and what I would do anyway right from the start.

LET THEM HAVE IT....like the others have said, what do you want with a rack that someone else killed. You had no part in the hunt, all you did was get lucky and walk up on it....and like my neighbors, gun hunters only, they didnt even know the deer existed untill they walked up on it.

Another lesson learned by me too....Check out every option when trailing a deer. A gut shot deer will go up the steepest hill just to get away from you....just takes him longer to get there!! I would have never guess he would have went up that ridge...But I know now!

When does bow hunting start again??
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