What will he Score?



His left side is alot bigger than his right it appears. I'd say gross low 160 high 150's. I'd arrow that pig, but if he made it one more year he would be a GIANT typical. Good luck this fall and thanks for showing that joker off.
Guys, I'm seeing a great deer but when he sheds his velvet I'm guessing he doesn't get 160. I will say low 50s to high 40's.
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Guys, I'm seeing a great deer but when he sheds his velvet I'm guessing he doesn't get 160. I will say low 50s to high 40's.

heck of a deer, but I really don't think he will break 150. I'd say he is a high 140's buck. great deer though!!! I just don't see both sides going over 65 inches and he is around that 16 inch inside spread.
just my GUESS, but i think if he gave us a good straight on he would be at least a 19" inside spread, i put him at 155 - 163.