White Buck Fawn


This fawn started out this spring with the normal fawn spotted color except for the spot on his forehead and the white socks. Now he is starting to turn white. Hopefully I will be able to follow this buck as he ages.
kinda looks like the mamas face has some extra white heading up around the nose area..just the way it looks anyways..she would be an easy one to pick out
buck fawn or doe fawn?? or do you know?

awesome deer! hope you get to keep track of that one. that one is off limits to everyone though!! wonder why it turned like that, and so fast?
kinda looks like the mamas face has some extra white heading up around the nose area..just the way it looks anyways..she would be an easy one to pick out

I agree, the does face looks to have some extra white around the nose and under its mouth down towards the neck.