Who do you prefer, DeSantis or Trump?

Where do you get your unbiased news?
I don’t think it exists anymore. I really don’t. Let’s say 20-30 years ago we had: CNN, MSNBC, FOX, NY TIMES, Washington post, ABC, on & on…. 90% of them turned full left Wing bias. It got so bad that the “market” created Fox to TRY to balance every other outlet being leftist propaganda. So- Fox had a bias to the right. It’s still 90% left wing bias & they surely don’t hide it. U can find places like “JUST THE NEWS” that does a pretty good job of “presenting the news”. Few others maybe. But I honestly can’t think of any really. I do blame the left for ruining media. They took it from “NEWS” in the 60’s & 70’s to what it is today: a propaganda arm of democrat party. It’s been like this since Reagan, worse with both Bush’s (George W it got crazy leftist) …. After George W - it’s been steadily worse. McCain & Romney- hysterical left wing media. Trump- ha!!!! Trump exposed it like no other though. Why BOTH sides KNOW it’s garbage. No one trusts the media and polls/data show it.
No real news. Censorship. No real free speech. Ramped corruption. Russian Collusion a million different ways to take people down. Prosecuting top candidates. This is END OF A NATION kinda stuff. Banana republic FOR REAL. In America. This sick corrupt swamp will take this country to its end. Look how far & fast we’ve flushed the WORLD down toilet in 3 years!!!!!!!
I don’t think it exists anymore. I really don’t. Let’s say 20-30 years ago we had: CNN, MSNBC, FOX, NY TIMES, Washington post, ABC, on & on…. 90% of them turned full left Wing bias. It got so bad that the “market” created Fox to TRY to balance every other outlet being leftist propaganda. So- Fox had a bias to the right. It’s still 90% left wing bias & they surely don’t hide it. U can find places like “JUST THE NEWS” that does a pretty good job of “presenting the news”. Few others maybe. But I honestly can’t think of any really. I do blame the left for ruining media. They took it from “NEWS” in the 60’s & 70’s to what it is today: a propaganda arm of democrat party. It’s been like this since Reagan, worse with both Bush’s (George W it got crazy leftist) …. After George W - it’s been steadily worse. McCain & Romney- hysterical left wing media. Trump- ha!!!! Trump exposed it like no other though. Why BOTH sides KNOW it’s garbage. No one trusts the media and polls/data show it.
No real news. Censorship. No real free speech. Ramped corruption. Russian Collusion a million different ways to take people down. Prosecuting top candidates. This is END OF A NATION kinda stuff. Banana republic FOR REAL. In America. This sick corrupt swamp will take this country to its end. Look how far & fast we’ve flushed the WORLD down toilet in 3 years!!!!!!!
I agree with this. I think the best you can do is find news outlets who acknowledge their political bias up front. The journalists listed earlier in this thread, and surely there are others, are about as close as you can get. But even they have political bias. Journalists who criticize people from both parties is another good indicator. They are just rare to non existent.

Media bias is nothing new but Trump broke the media. Many of their tricks used to be more subtle but they went to war against trump and that continues today and has expanded to most republicans. It is no longer something they even try to hide anymore.
I don’t think it exists anymore. I really don’t. Let’s say 20-30 years ago we had: CNN, MSNBC, FOX, NY TIMES, Washington post, ABC, on & on…. 90% of them turned full left Wing bias. It got so bad that the “market” created Fox to TRY to balance every other outlet being leftist propaganda. So- Fox had a bias to the right. It’s still 90% left wing bias & they surely don’t hide it. U can find places like “JUST THE NEWS” that does a pretty good job of “presenting the news”. Few others maybe. But I honestly can’t think of any really. I do blame the left for ruining media. They took it from “NEWS” in the 60’s & 70’s to what it is today: a propaganda arm of democrat party. It’s been like this since Reagan, worse with both Bush’s (George W it got crazy leftist) …. After George W - it’s been steadily worse. McCain & Romney- hysterical left wing media. Trump- ha!!!! Trump exposed it like no other though. Why BOTH sides KNOW it’s garbage. No one trusts the media and polls/data show it.
No real news. Censorship. No real free speech. Ramped corruption. Russian Collusion a million different ways to take people down. Prosecuting top candidates. This is END OF A NATION kinda stuff. Banana republic FOR REAL. In America. This sick corrupt swamp will take this country to its end. Look how far & fast we’ve flushed the WORLD down toilet in 3 years!!!!!!!
Unfortunately, many people get their news from a single source/bias and that is their basis for their beliefs without questioning it, ever. I like to hear both sides of an argument and will make up my own mind about what I can piece together. Our system is broken is what I've pieced together so far.....
Where do you get your unbiased news?
Not NPR. They have there heads so up the lefts ass and do it with federal funding, complete BS.

No such thing in todays world as unbiased news. I believe you have to read it from both sides and try to decipher what is truth and what is spun up from both sides.

Yes you did as well as CottonwoodCanyon. Thanks. It really wasn't a big ask.
Here’s my favorite. It’s not unbiased. But it links to a lot of left wing sources. Or left & right wing outlets…. Gets u the best news the fastest….

Heck- I’ll be fully transparent what I look at! ;)

Corrupt System against Trump IMO. Trump will win largest % of black men of any recent R prez. So much (do a little reading here on where he’s polling there- interesting if u get FACTS). that puts him over top if this election is fair.

No way a massive % of Briben voters & independents vote for him 2nd time that did the 1st.

2 humble cents…. I support Trump personally. My primary vote when im able. & I do empathize or not want to demonize other’s positions whatever they may be. I truly welcome any views with respect here. My IA Vote is: TRUMP.
I wish one of em would allow me to opt-out of social security!!!! Or allow funds to go to a mutual fund. SS is a ticking time bomb, $ losing investment.

Trump wins swing states IMO…. IA is so red it’s on fire. FL & OH are both: game over.
By the tightest margins (IMO: cheating, mail in voting, censoring news, etc) Briben “somehow” won: PA, MI, WI, GA & AZ. By tiny amounts. In THOSE states: independents have swung a long ways away from Briben. There’s no way he can get a big swath of those votes again. Ruining the country in 3 years cannot be covered up. The corrupt swamp knows this… why they come up with 91 indictments right before the election. Whether u like Trump or not…. Can we all agree this is all a coordinated political take down?

I think politicians on both sides are crooks. I’m for the people. Briben is a worldwide disgrace!!!!
Updated question of truly no bias ….
Has anyone changed their minds since the start of this thread? Quite a bit of time has gone by & a lot of events. Who has changed their views, support or thinks differently in ANY regard & with any candidate.

Clearly I’ve been all in for Biden. The only view that’s changed for me is: I think we should change the constitution to allow him to serve a 3rd term. ;)

Back to being serious & unbiased… & I’ll admit - my opinions & views evolve. Things are fluid & I’m always open minded. I for sure have changed views on many candidates & what’s happened in last 3 months. But I’ll leave my views out on this one.
Yes, it's very disappointing but I'm becoming less of a DeSantis fan. It's obvious he has donors pulling strings by the way he dances around certain questions. I'm not supporting anyone who won't commit to de escalating with russia and keeping peace with china. Having my family and everyone I know not die in ww3 is a bigger issue than any other to me.
Vivek has my attention.
The guys that manages the Casey’s across the street from my office would be 100 percent upgrade from Biden !

It has to change !!! He is the worst President in history!
But has your opinion on that changed since this thread started?!?! ;). I’d argue we all agreed long ago he’s worst puppet prez in history!!!

I don’t really believe Briben is at a 40-ish% approval. That % honestly makes me wonder if this country can survive. It will for sure self destruct if so. Stats like that & how many simply are voting for freebies & dont care if a Toaster (D) was on the ballot- they’d vote for it. It’s scary how dumb & entitled we’ve got.

I really like Vivek!!!!! Far more impressed vs when this thread started.
Desantis was my #2. It’s so bad, i am concerned he ruined his shot in 2028. IMHO- as of TODAY, I’d now take Vivek over Desantis. Pence is an embarrassment. Christie - what do u even say his campaign is based on bitterness, eating & naps. The rest - eah…. Probably in it for career advancement of some type & from the funds u can make running.
I will say this last thing…. trump clearly has “issues” like ANY human on the planet. He’s the opposite of a Robot-politician. I’ve been more impressed with him in last 90 days than I thought possible. IMHO- he’s done amazing job. Only Jesus is flawless & we are not even hiring a preacher. We are hiring a human to try to rescue a declining country, stop the corruption & avoid WW III. There’s no doubt in my mind trump is best fit to do it. And holy cow- he’s polling way better than 2020. He’s doubled minority votes too- which is game over if this continues. He also just eclipsed Briben on the betting odds. Iowa is a landslide trump win & not even in contention & Obama won iowa in 2008. FL, OH & NC aren’t even swing states anymore since trump. He’s also ahead in MI, WI, AZ, etc. If it’s fair - huge win. Corruption & cheating VS our country surviving is the stakes IMHO. If the corrupt indictments don’t work (I don’t think they will) & election is a just a touch more “fair” - game over. Why lefties are freaking out right now.