Who do you prefer, DeSantis or Trump?

A scorpion wants to cross a river but cannot swim, so it asks a frog to carry it across. The frog hesitates, afraid that the scorpion might sting it, but the scorpion promises not to, pointing out that it would drown if it killed the frog in the middle of the river. The frog considers this argument sensible and agrees to transport the scorpion. Midway across the river, the scorpion stings the frog anyway, dooming them both. The dying frog asks the scorpion why it stung despite knowing the consequence, to which the scorpion replies: "I am sorry, but I couldn't resist the urge. It's my character."

Politicians that get to the top get there by playing all of the right political games, which are corrupt. It's their character.

I agree though. the corruption makes me sick. Currently, every man, woman and child US citizen is on the hook for ~ $100k to pay off our national debt. LMFAO!
What do we do? We vote in Trump, twice, and the corruption over turns an election. No doubt. PA is already setting up early voter registration of illegals and others. The fraud will continue. This mail in system until the Dumocrats manufacture enough votes has to stop. One day of in person voting, with ID, and absentee votes for military and abroad workers only. Period. Same rules for every state in a fed election. It’s not in place. I fear more ballot dumps in the dark of night.
Always vote for the best conservative candidates. If/when widespread orchestrated voter fraud is proven, without a reasonable doubt, be prepared for and go to war.
I agree Skip!

Trump, unfortunately, has shown his true colors and I will not vote for the nut bag a third time. I'm still on board with Haley, sems to be the republican's best chance.
So I don’t understand that ? If it’s Trump vs Biden you are voting Biden ??
That makes no sense ? If you compare Trump Presidency to Biden its night and day . It’s NFL All Pro to being cut from the team.

Low gas, low inflation, no wars, 5 trade deals, a secure border, 8600 NASDAQ points (all time record), low interest rates, foreign countries feared U.S.—so no invasions/nothing in Israel.

Small business confidence all time high, VA improved, respect for veterans, consumer confidence all time highs. The list is very long of major accomplishments!

So you don’t like the mean tweets and Stormy Daniels situation?

You want the past 3 years of Brandon & Harris to continue?

Why ??
This is a huge disaster right here, 3 times Americans are left overseas to fend for themselves!
What is wrong with our administration to let this happen !
I never thought I’d say this … & I’ve spoke with friends on both sides of political spectrum & I’ve said…. My #1 issues have previously been things like: economy, border, war, smaller gov & spending, etc etc. NOW…. NEW TO ME… my #1 issue is: CORRUPTION!!!!! Both sides. Deep rooted. Exposed a lot by trump and Briben has shown it like a fireworks show…. It’s “end of nation” bad. The $, deep state, open borders to ruin us, DOJ to take opposition down, corrupt layers all the way through…. Infinite examples!!! Things like “where’s client list on Epstein island?!” Covering up for Clinton’s, Briben & who knows what Obamas really did (u know, the filthy rich Obamas that control Briben). Their ownership of media, academia & all layers of federal government. One big corrupt UNI-PARTY! CORRUPTION is my personal #1 issue. Why Trump & RFK both resonate so well. Why candidates like Bernie Sanders got taken out TWICE by his own party when he ran. The whole system is rotten to the core.

& back on topic…. I think the RFK run is a great thing. Him & cornel west- that helps trump IMO. I like RFK because the Dems tried to silence him & he fought back.
I’ll take Trump all day. I propose this to Biden or dumocrat supporters. We have a business to run. We have to secure the neighborhood it’s in, make a business plan, hire proper support, want to make the surrounding community a better place and provide opportunity. I’ll take Trump. You take Biden, Obama, and Clinton. We’ll see whose in the black, safe and productive in the short term and long term. They don’t want to hear it. The nation is a business. Money in , money out, security, and opportunity. Trump all day.
It almost seems that it is to the point they are so used to printing money, they no longer even need us to pay the taxes. They can let us die or leave us stranded because the printing machines are all automated anyway…

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It almost seems that it is to the point they are so used to printing money, they no longer even need us to pay the taxes. They can let us die or leave us stranded because the printing machines are all automated anyway…
As long as they get the votes they need to stay in power, we are irrelevant.

I do believe some, more than just fishy, voting practices took place in the 2020 election, but would LOVE to see it proved beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law.

One of the, if not THE main reasons why Democrat politicians support illegal immigration is because they are constantly angling for ways to make it legal for non-citizens to vote. Well, if you're here illegally and rely on free government hand-outs, mainly created and supported by the Democratic party, then you're going to vote Democrat, because you don't bite the hand that feeds you and you don't kill Santa Claus. So, get enough illegals inside our boarders and make it legal for them to vote, and Democrats will never lose another election.
I believe there is only a 50/50 chance that we even have an election next year. Maybe even worse than that.
I hear ya. I’m slow on my history. Of course it was a diff time, but what did the nation do during WW I and II. I think during the Vietnam era we saw two Presidents in Johnson and Nixon. Idk. I gotta do some research…so in 1944 Roosevelt , the incumbent, defeated Dewey and in 1968 Nixon beat incumbent , Lyndon Johnson. The elections were had.
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As long as they get the votes they need to stay in power, we are irrelevant.

I do believe some, more than just fishy, voting practices took place in the 2020 election, but would LOVE to see it proved beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law.

One of the, if not THE main reasons why Democrat politicians support illegal immigration is because they are constantly angling for ways to make it legal for non-citizens to vote. Well, if you're here illegally and rely on free government hand-outs, mainly created and supported by the Democratic party, then you're going to vote Democrat, because you don't bite the hand that feeds you and you don't kill Santa Claus. So, get enough illegals inside our boarders and make it legal for them to vote, and Democrats will never lose another election.
Only problem I see is finding a court of law with a judge that doesn't let politics influence their view of the law?
Only problem I see is finding a court of law with a judge that doesn't let politics influence their view of the law?
Agreed, but I personally don't want to jump into an all-out civil war unless there's something extremely solid to go off of.