Wild Game Buffet First Year Questions


PMA Member
Got our first food plot ever in this year. We burnt most of it off and cut rest out then disced and planted. One thing we should've done is spray it but rookie mistake. With wet spring wanted to get it in and was hoping it choked weeds out but didnt work as great. Lot of broadleaf weeds. Brassicas and annuals came up good and clovers decent but the weeds are lot taller. So question is can we spray it yet and save annuals or try and mow it and hope clover chokes it out? If we can spray what would be best to spray it with or how tall should we mow it? Thanks in advance for the help!
Just make sure if you mow it that you don't mow it too short

and make wind rows that will kill everything underneath it. :way:
Would hitting it with a weed eater be alright where the seeds are bad and not worry so much where things are growing decent? About how high do you usually want to mow it?
I would think 8 - 12" would be okay.

I have the same problem around a pond that I have that I am

doing the same thing to. Good Luck.
weed eater should be fine if its really spotty. I ended up waiting on mine longer than I wanted, but its turned out beautiful so far. Thought I was gonna get screwed because of all the rains. If you get the weeds chopped about level early enough, the growth from the plot should start to choke the weeds out then after that. Good Luck with it!