Sucking Up


New Member
Gone bad. Everyone in the house got sick the last couple days. So when I got home from work last night I was feeling ok. Thought I'd earn a few brownie points and do the dishes quick there weren't that many anyway. Well I got done with the plates and started on the glasses and then it happened. Stuck my hand inside the glass and started twisting to get it good and clean then I heard the glass pop and looked down to nothing good. Grabbed a towel and rapped my hand then told my fiance we needed to got to the doctor. Well about an hour later and a half dozen stiches later we were on our way back home. Luckily the Doc said I didn't cut anything serious just meat and fat. He said A little deeper it would have been worse.
I was planning on hunting Friday evening but it might be a couple weeks now. I'm going to strap the release on tommorow and see how it goes. The stiches are just below the pinky finger so it might not bother me hopefully. If it does I should be good to go by the end of the month at the latest.
Moral of the story get your sucking up done early so you have time to heal before season starts.
I hear ya. This is the second year in a row for me that I'm sitting on the sidelines because of an injury.
Hope you heal soon.
Atleast you get out of doing dishes for awhile
just a thought, if your strap release doesnt work try a thumb release, the bottom of your hand wont contact anyhing so should be pain free. Just an idea to keep you in the woods! Good Luck
I have a BAD timing story too. Got notice I am on call for Jury duty for Oct,Nov,Dec. I have been in IA for 5 yrs. My neighbor, born, and lived here in same spot aLL his life,,60 yrs old,,yet to be called. You have to about die,,to get out of it,,or even get months changed. Bad luck also,,,not painful though,,OUCH!
Just go hunt won't feel any pain when you draw back on a won't even notice it...I promise :)
Strapped on the realese last night I got the bow pulled back but it wasn't comfortable didn't so much hurt just didn't feel right. Thought about the hand held release but don't want to buy one to use for a week or so. Hopefully a couple more days it will be better. A dish washer would be nice when we redo the kitchen we will get one.
Hopefully you gained some Karma points and will be well rewarded on the stand when the time comes!