We started out this morning at 6:30. We saw a few Does then a nice 11 point Buck but didn't have a shot at any of them. At about 10:00 my Daughter said she was cold and wanted to go home. I told her it was up to her as this is her hunt. Well we went home and came back out about 2:00. Not long after we got into our stand we seen a nice buck, but again no shot. The we saw a couple does working our way. I told her to get ready...well there must have been some comunication trouble because she wasn't ready and they got out of range. Then we had a 9 point buck come thur but everytime he would stop he ended up behind a tree or a bunch of branches. He ended up winding us and run off. We were about done and here came this doe running in and stoped 15 yrds from our stand and she was ready this time. Needless to say she is excited.