Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

The Best Ground Blind

my darkhorse doesnt have straps to brush in a blind. Would be nice if it did. I am sure they would be easy to add though. I lined all my windows with magnets on my dark horse and cannot believe the difference it makes in keeping the wind out the back side of the blind.
Someone asked about the Ghost Blind? They are POS, saw one @ Scheels and they're $250.00 and arr basically hard plastic folded in 3 parts. I think that they'd tear into pieces after a year or two. For $50 or same price you can get a blind with a ROOF and hunt every day and stay DRY.
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Someone asked about the Ghost Blind? They are POS, saw one @ Scheels and they're $250.00 and arr basically hard plastic folded in 3 parts. I think that they'd tear into pieces after a year or two. For $50 or same price you can get a blind with a ROOF and hunt every day and stay DRY.

You bite your tongue matt.. you bite it.

HCH, you crack me up!

You have some money setups but it's kind of funny that you spent so much time talking up your blinds just to show us pics of them completely covered up! :D
I just had my darkhorse replaced on account of a broken rod, and when it arrived it seemed to be made completely different?

The fabric is different. The hubs are different. The sewing seems cheaper... its just different. Is Primos starting to use cheap materials on these things? I still like it, but I question how it is going to perform in comparison to my old Double Bulls.

Any thoughts?
I just had my darkhorse replaced on account of a broken rod, and when it arrived it seemed to be made completely different?

The fabric is different. The hubs are different. The sewing seems cheaper... its just different. Is Primos starting to use cheap materials on these things? I still like it, but I question how it is going to perform in comparison to my old Double Bulls.

Any thoughts?

Thats what happens when you take a great American made product and then ship the production over seas. Uncle Will needs more money
I still think its the best blind out there but wish it was made like use to be. I liked the new bag design until l found out how noisy it was and herd stitches ripping on the back pack straps the second time I picked it up. Good thing I use my badlands pack to carry my blind.
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