Rep. Paul Ryan VP?

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Well-Known Member
What do you guys think? What would this mean for our sport? Think he could help with the conservation of hunting? I know normally guys don't talk about this stuff on here. I'm just curious what you guys think.

I would vote for a pair of old wet socks before I would vote for our current president. Romney already had my vote and Paul Ryan is just icing on the cake :way:

No can do kemo sabe. I don't trust a guy who shoots mecanical broadheads. I feel like they took the easy route instead of shooting fixed blades. For me it is a character issue, will that person put in the hours, deal with frustrations and keep at or, find the path of least resistance and then come up with a reason as to why it was ok to do so. There's enough of them out there I suppose.
So I ask myself, is this a person I want making decisions that will me personally? Will that person "cave" because an easy out was presented and they have already put in 50 hours this week and they have family in town?
I don't see candidates on either side worth voting for.....this country is f'd! Conservatives will destroy many local communities when they start slashing taxes and programs that support local gov't and their necessities such as public safety. Then you have the liberals who would spend money that isn't there to support porch sitters and such. We need a middle class common sense man (republicrat) and there sure the hell isn't one anywhere to be seen. and for the record.... I don't trust those mechanical shooters either......nobody is willing to put the time in nowdays.;):way:
Think he picked a perfect running mate. Romney can pick up some of the vote he is week in with Ryan at his side.

Just hope this is enough to get rid of the Change and putting bills back in peoples pockets.
River1 said:
I don't see candidates on either side worth voting for.....this country is f'd! Conservatives will destroy many local communities when they start slashing taxes and programs that support local gov't and their necessities such as public safety. Then you have the liberals who would spend money that isn't there to support porch sitters and such. We need a middle class common sense man (republicrat) and there sure the hell isn't one anywhere to be seen. and for the record.... I don't trust those mechanical shooters either......nobody is willing to put the time in nowdays.;):way:

I agree with you! Neither is worth voting for and there is a penny's worth of difference between the 2 parties anyway.
I agree with you! Neither is worth voting for and there is a penny's worth of difference between the 2 parties anyway.

Totally disagree. Differences on gun control, growth of government (smaller gov vs growing), taxing people, abortion, etc- couldn't be a starker difference. Paul Ryan is awesome! Even if you incorrectly didn't think there was a dimes worth of difference, at least vote for the CHANCE of something new, you already saw what the Obamanation has done for 4 years, disaster, at least vote for something new & give someone else a chance if that's your stance.

Hey, for folks that think it's all the same... I was debating this with some close Liberal folks in my life & just asked this.... What you think?

Why are the demographic voting groups so stark a difference?...
All this guy has & all that will propel Obama back into office is:
-Folks who want more "free stuff".
-Woman who had a "war declared on them by repubs" (good gosh, how lame) & don't want repubs to deny them their $10 birth control the Gov will give them for "free".
-Folks who pay no taxes
-Blacks who vote for Democrats at over 90% no matter who it is. Blacks who voted for Obama alone at like, what, 95% last time?
-Wealthy Liberal elites who have already succeeded & have millions in the bank who don't care how bad Gov treats folks who are trying to make it.
-Stupid idiots that want to "tax the rich". Obviously angry & jealous and do NOT understand that the wealthy pay the vast majority of the taxes already & 48% of folks pay no fed income tax.
-Gays, Atheists, Hippy losers, Wallstreet protesting maggots & every person driving a prius.

Wonder why Obama won't get NEAR a majority of:
-Evangelical Christians
-Small business owners
-White, Middle Class
-Folks who served or are serving in Military
-Middle America, Rural areas.

*and yes, sorry for diving into politics on a hunting site, once in a while I do interject in politics which is such a dividing issue BUT heck, oh well. This sure affects everyone on this site to a large degree & I sure hope we vote the clown out of office.
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Sligh1 said:
Totally disagree. Differences on gun control, growth of government (smaller gov vs growing), taxing people, abortion, etc- couldn't be a starker difference. Paul Ryan is awesome! Even if you incorrectly didn't think there was a dimes worth of difference, at least vote for the CHANCE of something new, you already saw what the Obamanation has done for 4 years, disaster, at least vote for something new & give someone else a chance if that's your stance.

Hey, for folks that think it's all the same... I was debating this with some close Liberal folks in my life & just asked this.... What you think?

Why are the demographic voting groups so stark a difference?...
All this guy has & all that will propel Obama back into office is:
-Folks who want more "free stuff".
-Woman who had a "war declared on them by repubs" (good gosh, how lame) & don't want repubs to deny them their $10 birth control the Gov will give them for "free".
-Folks who pay no taxes
-Blacks who vote for Democrats at over 90% no matter who it is. Blacks who voted for Obama alone at like, what, 95% last time?
-Wealthy Liberal elites who have already succeeded & have millions in the bank who don't care how bad Gov treats folks who are trying to make it.
-Stupid idiots that want to "tax the rich". Obviously angry & jealous and do NOT understand that the wealthy pay the vast majority of the taxes already & 48% of folks pay no fed income tax.
-Gays, Atheists, Hippy losers, Wallstreet protesting maggots & every person driving a prius.

Wonder why Obama won't get NEAR a majority of:
-Evangelical Christians
-Small business owners
-White, Middle Class
-Folks who served or are serving in Military
-Middle America, Rural areas.

*and yes, sorry for diving into politics on a hunting site, once in a while I do interject in politics which is such a dividing issue BUT heck, oh well. This sure affects everyone on this site to a large degree & I sure hope we vote the clown out of office.

Look maybe I should have phrased my opinion differently. I like your opinions sligh on most things. I am an independant and follow my own line of thinking . However I'm leaning towards not voting this fall because thats my choice and I can live with that. If I feel that neither canidate is worthy of my vote than that is my decision.
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Ryan is an avid hunter, owns land, qdma member, from the Midwest, conservative, catholic, fiscally responsible, Strong family values...considered one of the brightest minds in congress....great choice!!!
Totally disagree. Differences on gun control, growth of government (smaller gov vs growing), taxing people, abortion, etc- couldn't be a starker difference. Paul Ryan is awesome! Even if you incorrectly didn't think there was a dimes worth of difference, at least vote for the CHANCE of something new, you already saw what the Obamanation has done for 4 years, disaster, at least vote for something new & give someone else a chance if that's your stance.

Hey, for folks that think it's all the same... I was debating this with some close Liberal folks in my life & just asked this.... What you think?

Why are the demographic voting groups so stark a difference?...
All this guy has & all that will propel Obama back into office is:
-Folks who want more "free stuff".
-Woman who had a "war declared on them by repubs" (good gosh, how lame) & don't want repubs to deny them their $10 birth control the Gov will give them for "free".
-Folks who pay no taxes
-Blacks who vote for Democrats at over 90% no matter who it is. Blacks who voted for Obama alone at like, what, 95% last time?
-Wealthy Liberal elites who have already succeeded & have millions in the bank who don't care how bad Gov treats folks who are trying to make it.
-Stupid idiots that want to "tax the rich". Obviously angry & jealous and do NOT understand that the wealthy pay the vast majority of the taxes already & 48% of folks pay no fed income tax.
-Gays, Atheists, Hippy losers, Wallstreet protesting maggots & every person driving a prius.

Wonder why Obama won't get NEAR a majority of:
-Evangelical Christians
-Small business owners
-White, Middle Class
-Folks who served or are serving in Military
-Middle America, Rural areas.

*and yes, sorry for diving into politics on a hunting site, once in a while I do interject in politics which is such a dividing issue BUT heck, oh well. This sure affects everyone on this site to a large degree & I sure hope we vote the clown out of office.

Hate to tell you Skip, but the report that just came out, 51% are non tax payers vs 49% tax payers. Looks like we're screwed either way. 51% doesn't want to stop getting their checks from the gooberment!!
I LOVE political discussions on Iowa Whitetail!!!!!! :grin:

Obama is the man, can't wait for four more years of the greatest prez in American history!!!
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Unfortunately,,Hollywood Star power is what wins elections today, not good sense. I believe Obama will win. Even given the old tired line of ,"the other guys are for the rich". Alot of people glad to see the "Free $$$ keep coming". another tired line,,,Common sense says,,nothing,,is free! That wasn't the tired line. this program is free,,is the line.
Hate to tell you Skip, but the report that just came out, 51% are non tax payers vs 49% tax payers. Looks like we're screwed either way. 51% doesn't want to stop getting their checks from the gooberment!!
luckily, on election day, 10% of the 51% will be sitting in jail for domestic abuse, OWI, breaking and entering, shoplifting, etc. Another 10% will be too lazy to vote.
Keep your fingers crossed and get out and vote because if this commy prick is re-elected this country will not sustain another 4 yrs in this direction. Especially with no worries about getting re-elected. Ofcourse Romney isn't awesome but none in history were (maybe Reagan). At this point he is our only hope to right this disasterous course we are on.
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