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What is the best bow string


PMA Member
Ok we have talked about best bows and we have talked about the best stabilizers , and the best bow sights, but lets get down to the brass tax. You can shoot a bow without sites and with out quivers and stabilizers. But not without a bow string so what in your opinions and I stress opinions is the best bow string.

sent from super hunters I phone
There are so many people making custom strings now, it has become hard to differentiate one from another. IMO Stick with a string that uses 8190 or equivalent material with some sort of a Gore coated serving. I'm currently using a Anthem Custom String, built by The guys at Anthem Archery in Decorah. Lots of good choices out there.
Dedgeez got it right....all the company's now days use pretty much the same materials. 8190 or 452x or 452gx...Vapor trail, winners choice, fast flight and octane are some of the better knowns...but my 60 dollar eBay specials are just as good as the others...
I have a custom string on my Bowtech and my new Elite from Scottys Custom Archery. He is on archerytalk and a good dude to deal with. I am sure there are alot of great string makers out there, but the service he gives you and tuning help is great.

I had mike carter of Carter's archery in st. Joe missouri do my last 2 sets. He is "crackers" on archerytalk.
I have zero complaints and that guy can tune a bow like nobodys business
I also vote for Carter's archery strings. Great guy to deal with, very helpful with any questions you may have. He is the only person I let work on my equipment.
I also vote for Carter's archery strings. Great guy to deal with, very helpful with any questions you may have. He is the only person I let work on my equipment.

Yes this guy:way: I have been going to Carter's since 2006 and for the price of his strings and him setting everything up, you can't beat it. A great guy and one of the few that I have seen that will walk you through his tuning job and how he sets up a bow.
I use bluff country bow strings out of Wisconsin Rick builds some great strings.

sent from super hunters I phone
Yes this guy:way: I have been going to Carter's since 2006 and for the price of his strings and him setting everything up, you can't beat it. A great guy and one of the few that I have seen that will walk you through his tuning job and how he sets up a bow.

Holy crap look who the cat drug in.

X 2 on crackers

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