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ground blind snow cover


i have the big game redemption blind and have been looking for a snow cover for it with little luck. Ameristep has one that claims to fit most ground blinds. anyone know of one that would fit?
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Have you checked the dimensions on yours against ameristep blinds? I would think the windows would line up at least similarly. Could always get snow camo (or plain white) material and a needle and thread (or Red Green it together with duck tape on the back side of the seams!). Or I've heard of using fake snow spray? Heard it is not permanent, if you're wanting to use the original camo pattern later. If not, white spray paint. Definitely would need to let it air out before setting out in your spot on the last two ideas. Or if you have haybales in the area, go with a hay cover.
Just get yourself a few white bed sheets and a bunch of wood clothes pins and doctor it up as needed. Cheap, easy, reusable. Just wash and spray your sheets as you would your hunting clothing and you'll be good to go.
I saw a blind done up in that white colored army mesh stuff. looked awesome and had a 3d effect going on.
Just get yourself a few white bed sheets and a bunch of wood clothes pins and doctor it up as needed. Cheap, easy, reusable. Just wash and spray your sheets as you would your hunting clothing and you'll be good to go.

Shoot, you beat me to it! :)
Have you checked the dimensions on yours against ameristep blinds? I would think the windows would line up at least similarly. Could always get snow camo (or plain white) material and a needle and thread (or Red Green it together with duck tape on the back side of the seams!). Or I've heard of using fake snow spray? Heard it is not permanent, if you're wanting to use the original camo pattern later. If not, white spray paint. Definitely would need to let it air out before setting out in your spot on the last two ideas. Or if you have haybales in the area, go with a hay cover.

Ok, maybe I was going too Martha Stewart on it with the needle and thread!
I ended up ordering some mesh looking sheets off ebay. Probably clothes pin them on for this year and over summer sew them together better
The ameristep covers I bought were made so you cut your own windows. The material was really cheap though and ripped easily. Sheets work much better.
The snow camo on the blind does wonders though. Have had deer poking their noses right in the window!
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