Gas Tax:


Well-Known Member
I have heard now the new Gas Tax is all but a done deal. For those of us that have to drive many miles to hunt, this has to do with hunting. the state has a budget of 7 billion. I am sure they could find some waste in there somewhere. Raising taxes is just the easy way. I never hear about the money being saved in winters like this either? I know,,who cares,,just 10 cents. I have written my Reps, anyway. always makes me feel better.
I think it's BS.. Currently the state is running about a 5 mile sewage waste line from Wilton north along HWY 38 out to the I-80 Wilton rest area. This is a 5 million dollar project just for a few shitters along the interstate. I'd say there are better ways to spend the money. The state also just put in a brand new 2 million dollar bridge by me.. It's a dead end road with a camp ground at the end of it. Somebody please tell me how pulling your retarded camper across a bridge is worth 2 million tax dollars?
Completely agree. Sadly enough, raising the gas tax is always the answer to everything. Our state (like others) blows millions of dollars ever year on stupid things, some that completely go to waste for lack of completion or activity. I live in Union county and they are proposing a tax raise to change highway 34 from 2 lane to 4 lane from osceola west. Not that I don't agree that this isn't a good idea, I don't think a tax increase is one way to come up with the funding. The federal government wipes their ass with money every year on stupid projects that could very easily fund other more useful things.

How many times do we here politicians voting on salary increases for themselves and other similar politicians and people that hold their respective offices. As a country if we keep thinking that we can continue raising taxes to pay for things, while the fatcats and politicians salaries grow every year from our taxpayers dollars, something drastic will be happening in my lifetime.

I am guilty in not being involved as I should be in politics, and maybe my opinion isn't always the most educated or respected because of that. But it's hard for a young person like myself to want to become involved in our countries government when we continue to get shit on. Until there required drug tests for welfare recipients, set average salary wage for those on capitol hill, and a decline in tax increases for the middle class among many other things, myself among many other young folk will continue to show small interest in politics and trying to voice our opinion.

I know that most of you will encourage that voicing my opinion is the best thing to do towards our representatives, but how often does it go in one ear and out the other?
Part of the ease at which this is sailing through the Legislature is the current price of gas. What happens when gas jumps in price? Will they roll back the tax? I doubt it. I don't think gas is going to stay at its current price for very long.
I'm not to happy about it myself. Not that I have a problem with the idea of gas taxes or an actual "use tax". I just have no confidence that the tax is actually needed and the money will go where it's supposed to. I believe the money now goes to the general fund, I could be wrong, but I don't like that.

If I remember right not that long ago a deal was made to raise vehicle registration fees instead of increasing the gas tax. I think this money is also supposed to go to roads. The fees are ridiculous! I held on to my old truck as long as I could but finally had to put her down. Registration on my new truck is almost as much as my monthly payment. Figuring registration fees based on value is BS. Double taxation!

Can anyone provide any information on what nebraska does for their "farm use" vehicles. I notice they have many trucks that have farm truck plates on them. What does it cost to register a vehicle for farm use in nebraska? Is there a reason Iowa hasn't adopted this?
Flat fee registration for trucks benefited farmers way back when, but then trucks became popular vehicles and everybody and their brother started driving them. I can see how the state would want to close that "loop hole".
Flat fee registration for trucks benefited farmers way back when, but then trucks became popular vehicles and everybody and their brother started driving them. I can see how the state would want to close that "loop hole".

My truck is usually only driven once a week or as needed to haul/tow something, except in hunting season, then every time I go (4 banger car the rest of the time). I don't see how some people can use one as a daily driver if traveling very far. I would be filling up every other day! I also am holding on to my old truck as long as I can. Would love a new one, and wife keeps urging to replace it, but between monthly payments and registration on a newer one, my paid for truck with $65/year registration is sticking around for the time being. Highly doubt I would qualify for a farm use plate if we had them anyway.
Iowa was cheap to register trucks forever. It used to be 65 or 75 bucks a year for a brand new truck compared to 250 or 400 for a new SUV. It changed a few years back. You can still get farm plates though.
No to the gas tax and no to the IWiLL tax.

Why do you feel that way about the IWiLL tax Thinkin Rut? I was just gonna post that it'd be a lot easier for me to swallow a small increase in the gas tax (which hasn't been raised since 1989) if they would implement the 3/8 percent sales tax increase for IWiLL first. Seems to me that anyone who appreciates Iowa's outdoors should be in favor of IWiLL but if you have a different opinion I'd love to hear it.
The gas tax in Iowa is per gallon. I am pretty sure that we as a State bought more gas last year than in 1989. SO to say that it hasn't been raised is a crock of *hit.
In 1989 the Fed tax on Gas was 9.1 cents. It is now 18 cents in 2015. So the gas tax in Iowa has went up by 9 cents a gallon since 1989.
I've got an idea.. Put toll booths on each end of the state on I-80 for non-residents. Problem solved! :)

I drove out to New York for a hunt last November. I think Ohio cost me $16 each way. Lots of toll roads on the drive out. Talking to my host out there about NY tolls, he says the money all winds up in the NYC budget, doesn't go to fix the roads. :confused:
If you don't like IWLL then you really won't like the bill that was proposed this week to amend Iowa's Constitution. The amendment would need to pass both chambers this year or next and then again in '17 or '18 then be voted on my the people. The amendment? 50% of any sales tax increase would go to a road and bridge repair fund. Why? For sustainable funding.


If I read the bill correctly IWLL and public school infrastructure will be funded first and any left over would go to the road infrastructure fund.

I'm speculating here, but this may be the way to not raise the gas tax, repair the roads AND fund IWLL. This will be interesting.
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I dislike taxes as much as anybody. However, I'd like to see the gas tax passed. It's not a percentage. It's a fixed amount. It hasn't been increased in over 2 decades. While the costs of construction - fuel, labor, equipment and material - has done nothing but skyrocket. It's easy to agree that roads and bridges in Iowa and across the country are deteriorating. But how it gets paid for to repair/replace is another. The gas tax would basically be a "user fee". And some money would come from out of state drivers, and not just in state. The funds from the gas tax, by law, must be used on roads/bridges and NOT in the general fund/paying for salaries. It's not an easy solution, but if we like to get places safely and in a timely manner, then it's got to pass.
If the gas tax passes, which seems likely now, dont expect to see any change in your favorite travel route. MI has one of the highest taxes and the roads were still crapy last trip there couple yrs ago. What gets me is about all the Republicans running last election campaigned on NO NEW TAXES !