Small scale If no fish, could help. Bigger scale, Won’t work or not practical unfortunately. Pyrethrins are insecticide of choice..... would need to spray so many times - weekly or biweekly for example, would drive u nuts. Cost a fortune & it’s not friendly on aquatic life. Trust me- I’ve thought about it. Then u get into creek systems & last.... u have a big batch of cattle with stagnant water 1/2 mile south.... south breeze & midges be blown right in. It sucks!!!!
Don’t think dnr is misrepresenting the #’s. Nope!! There’s also really great folks at Dnr & some “not so great” (like any business or organization). Just 99% of cases are never called in, confirmed or even found- in my experience & STRONG OPINION.
Where the rub or twist comes in is this & this is what drives me nuts with dnr & their position.... they put out #’s ..... “200 confirmed cases in xyz county”. Anyone with a brain & many in the dnr know it’s really 10x that amount. THEN!!!!!!....... a discussion like “cwd” or “tag #’s” or “late shed buck season” comes up!!!!!!!!! Anytime someone says EXAMPLES.....“well, cwd doesn’t impact me like ehd” “my neighborhood has low deer #’s after ehd came through - don’t want late shed buck season” or WHATEVER!!!!!! What is the go-to response (understood or just naive) of dnr or the General public?!?!?........ “EHD/BT is not a huge issue & overall doesn’t really impact the deer #’s and big picture. Over the whole state of Iowa in 20xx, we only had 1,000 documented cases across the whole state. Vs a population of _____. It’s minor & nothing vs these other things ______”. See how that works???? A county alone may lose 70% population but only a tiny fraction of that turns into “confirmed cases” - thus making talking points & data look very mild & non-important. That’s the problem right there. Couple that with their unwillingness to bring up the increased prevalence of ehd/BT & the newer & unexpected strains (of 7) they are finding here. Outbreaks could be rapidly increasing & increasing in scale & devastation levels but anyone can fall back on “well - in xyz year, we Only had xyz amount of cases!” Unfortunately, It’s gonna take years, a few more wide spread massive outbreaks and enough hunters to catch on before it stops being dismissed as “minor issue, let’s move on to more important topics”.
*Tmayer13 “& I’m not very smart”. Hilarious!!

Well, I’m 10x dumber than u, dropped on my head as an infant, I ate pounds of lead paint chips while growing up next to a nuclear power plant with several melt downs & I still have some of this figured out!!