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Kids Bow and Arrow


PMA Member
Curious if anyone on here has or had any kids that wanted a bow and arrow. Got 2 that have been interested in watching me shoot and have both said they want a bow and arrow. They are going to be 3 and 4 respectively in early January. Not opposed to a toy bow or something actually for shooting a target
Not sure I totally understand what you are asking BUT if you are asking what bows to get for kids that age I would say a long bow. I have bought from a guy in Illinois and his company is Black Rhino Bows. This guy makes all the bows and is 100% dedicated to the sport. If you call him be ready to spend some time on the phone. One of the great things he offers is if you buy a bow for a 3 or 4 year old he will take it back in a few years and upgrade you to a new bow that will fit your child and only charge you 30% of the value of the new bow. These bows are not toys. They are deadly and adult supervision in a must. My son is now 8 and he will spend hours out in the lawn shooting his long bow. One of his favorite things to do when he was 4 was go to a field and shoot his bow in the air and watch the arrow fly in the sky. It just made him smile non stop. I can not over emphasize how this got him hooked. Good luck those are perfect ages to get them hooked. He was 3 in these pictures.

  • Deleted by Slick
IDK...Every time I try to upload a photo is says its to big. If I resize it then it comes out the size of a stamp.....Got to be a better option.
IDK...Every time I try to upload a photo is says its to big. If I resize it then it comes out the size of a stamp.....Got to be a better option.
Try tapatalk for pics. And yes that's what I'm asking. Not wanting some cheap plastic toy that shoots suction cup arrows, but too small for an actual compound.
  • Deleted by Slick
BBuckhunter88 where are you at in NE IA?

I have several my kids have all outgrown.
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