I like JR. Plus he's a hunter. Hope he runs in 2024. 
I'm hoping Jr or CrenshawI like JR. Plus he's a hunter. Hope he runs in 2024.![]()
I would be the first to say when I voted for him in 2016 I did not know what we were going to get. That said I could not be more happy with what he has done. Mainly for taking on China and renegotiating the Mexico/US/Canada trade deal. Yes a recession will come at some point it can't be great for ever but that is only one part of the puzzle. If he continues to tackle immigration, build the military, take a position of strength in the world theater, decrease red tape, and put America first I will not abandon him regardless of the economy.Beware the inverted yield curve. It has a really good track record for predicting economic recessions. I'll be curious to see how everyone feels about Trump and his inconsequential personality if/when we enter into another recession.
http://www.bowsite.com/BOWSITE/features/interviews/donaldtrumpjr/I like JR. Plus he's a hunter. Hope he runs in 2024.![]()
Bernie’s kids are avid Broccoli hunters.I like JR. Plus he's a hunter. Hope he runs in 2024.![]()
Honest? Oh, you aren't joking... They're ALL liars. Trump just isn't as politically cunning and polished at concealing his lies as the typical career politicians are that we've all become accustomed to.
I agree with most of what you're saying here, however I personally want my presidents and presidential candidates to have a high level of personal integrity and morality, which I believe Trump, and most other modern day candidates, severely lack. It shouldn't be too much for us to require both.
Go read comments about HUNTING on any left leaning outlet..... not all but a vast majority hate hunters. Despise them. “Wish the animal could hunt them”. “Sick men need to kill animals to be fulfilled in life”. “I wish every person’s hunting partner was Dick Cheney” be 3 of a gazillion examples. Read any comments from left leaning sites & realize how much they despise what I believe is one of the healthiest, wholesome & conservation minded activities that goes on in the world.Some of the comments are funny...."he can see his Dad's house in Russia from Alaska" LOL
I agree Buddy!!POLITICS is dirty & slimy. Most of em have serious flaws. The system is a mess. Both sides have vast amounts of dirt, slime & corruption. We probably all agree with that?
These are all MEN & WOMEN... flawed human beings. Flawed for sure- to varying degrees- I’ll leave that part up to God. I’m not here to judge their souls. After we understand they are human and in POLITICS- I put them in 2 groups.....
1) polished robots that cover up there flaws, rehearse what folks wanna hear, hide their shady issues/dealings & focus on “what does the public want to see and hear?” - EXECUTE that. You don’t know much of their core or why they do what they do. they may have some core positions but They are political robots. Poll tested, scripted and bought & paid for!
2) also flawed folks..... but politicians who are plain spoken OR quick witted & fast on their feet. Or ramble from Topic to topic and go so fast & passionate they don’t have time to filter. Folks without the robotic filters. Folks who say what they really think. This group is far more rare. Yes- I put trump in this group. Downside: dumb or innappropriate things come out. Brash, harsh, hurtful, whatever. Upside: you know what the folks are truly thinking most the time. Trump is maybe best example of “says what he wants, even when it hurts him”. Obama for example was total opposite- slick, robotic & polished speaker but when it came to what he really thought or the job he did - eaahhhh. Yikes. & even he had some nasty gaffes & horrible parts of his history. That’s being human. I got sick of robots or ineffective slick politicians who didn’t do what they said. I see opposite of that in trump.
IMHO- the flaws as a man...... god has countless examples of using greatly flawed humans to do great things. I personally don’t care about his past as a top tier issue- everyone has personal issues and this is for a GOVERNMENT leader- not your Pastour or priest. His job is to fix GOVERNMENT, not to spend time with you and your family. He’s a flawed man. Which ones weren’t? It’s sick but what most consider “great presidents” had huge personal issues...., adulterers- Clinton, Roosevelt, Eisenhower, Kennedy, etc, etc. Liars: every president in our history and every human on this earth. Sinners: everyone of em and every one of us.
on flip side- with everyone being deeply flawed - who did a great job for our country????? Bush? IMHO- NO! Obama??? IMHO- heck no!! Clinton? Eah, not really. REGAN- oh yeah!!!!! Carter? OMG no (& Carter probably has cleanest personal life of any president in 100 years & he was a HORRIBLE president!). On and on - very few did great things. Love or hate him politically or love or hate him Personally- to the nation it doesn’t matter a bit.... he’s done a lot and a done far more than anyone since Regan. The man can work & fights like nothing I’ve seen In my lifetime. Main question- does he love this country and does he fight for it daily with all he has?? Absolutely yes!!!! IMHO. Those are the tests & questions I care about.
He has awesome personal things though!!!! Amazing family- that are hunters!!!!! Not trying to get rich from office, not bought & paid for!!! (That alone cripples & corrupts most elected officials). He’s got more energy & drive than probably any president. Results driven. He’s funny & great sense of humor. Knows business, etc etc etc.
He’s fixing the things I care about & so many others. His personal side good or bad is .0001% compared to what he does for this country. & that list is incredible - things I care about: 200k vets now able to get private care, 180 federal judges, lowest unemployment rate & highest stock market in history, too many pro-life advancements to go through, breaking left wing biased media, freeing our soldiers hands in combat, advancing trade deficits, new & better trade agreements, net energy producer & exporter, border wall going up & fought for, etc etc.
There’s some things I don’t like but I also know he can’t fix it all in 3 years (I don’t like deficit- That’s maybe #1).
He’s doing a dang good job and way way way better than every nay-sayer predicted!!!
This next election will be decided by RESULTS & that’s why I’m Trump 2020.
*again- respect all points of view. Don’t need a pissing match or things going off the rails. We all understand politics is tough, dirty, personal and a hot topic. I respect all people regardless of their views and again- we need all sides of isle to fight for the outdoors in iowa!!!!
I agree, the national debt is ridiculous. I'm more libertarian than anything, so start slashing government programs and trimming the fat. Our govt. is wayyy to big and inefficient at the federal, state and local levels. Everybody in office now thinks the solution is to just keep printing more money and leave it for the next generation. Problem is, most the loud ones in the next generation only care about social issues. It will all come to a screeching halt if we don't start doing something soon.Can anyone tell me why the National Debt isn't of concern anymore? It seemed to be a huge deal over the last say 25 years but for some reason, we no longer care. And its now 24 trillion. I would like to hear both sides explain how and what we're going to do about that. At some point, the weight of this debt is going to crush this country
Can anyone tell me why the National Debt isn't of concern anymore? It seemed to be a huge deal over the last say 25 years but for some reason, we no longer care. And its now 24 trillion. I would like to hear both sides explain how and what we're going to do about that. At some point, the weight of this debt is going to crush this country
Every time you mention cutting something, one side or the other goes nuts, and we will not vote for you. So it is all based on votes. It is sad, and both sides have done a poor job with debt. Biden has promised 2 trillion to fight global warming, he would end the oil industry/ethanol etc.. so the spending is not going away if he happens to win (which I doubt).
yep.....u nailed it....revelations tells you what you need to know.....There
I believe there is a day of reckoning coming over the massive debt of this country and it's citizens. At what point does money become worthless when it just keeps appearing out of thin air? There is nothing real backing any of it. Hyperinflation is a very real threat imo.