I looked through the Iowa harvest numbers in a bar chart and over the past 25 years it would appear an average of AROUND 50,000 bucks are killed in Iowa per year. 12 per year entered on average over past five years. Throw the number you want in for % that get entered but under 1% of bucks get to 200”. I’m saying far less. Take that times the bucks in a given area. IMO not many. Some managed areas changes completely. And managed areas are those that are big enough to let deer get to their full potential. I know of more 6+ year olds that didn’t break 170” than those that did let alone 200”. I am in a good area but NOT heavily managed. Too each there own but too many high genetic deer get shot as 150”+ 4yo.
I will say that I have done this ^^ and now, looking back, wished that I hadn't. I for sure know of other situations where other hunters have done the same. So I am not intending to "talk down" to anyone on this subject, for I am guilty too.

Now then, I agree with the notion that a properly managed area changes things DRAMATICALLY. Any area where a good percentage of the bucks can get to 6+ years old can produce super giants here in our state AND there are some areas where this is the norm due to self imposed restrictions. Combine that age structure with the generally available good to excellent nutrition, decent genetics and it may not be a common occurrence to have a 200" around, but it isn't rare either.
Just another angle for this conversation...for many years, and until this year, we have been pretty good about not shooting bucks until they are 5, not perfect, but pretty good.

In the last year though I have changed my thinking in this area. Starting this hunting season, I will look to purposely take out 3 or 4 year olds that are "stuck" in the 130's-140's AND also, if I can manage myself well enough

, NOT shoot 170"ish 5 year olds.
I do agree that many/most 6+ year old's will top out around 160", which is still a great, great buck IMO. BUT...if you really want to give yourself a chance at a legit 200"...you CANNOT shoot the relatively few high, high potential bucks when they are 3 or 4...or probably even 5. The 150"+ 3 year olds ARE the
potential 200"ers. Shoot those and yes, you will "never" have a 200".
Looking back, I believe we have erred, somewhat at least, by passing ALL bucks until they are 5. This has "allowed" some bucks to live on and "take up space" for a couple more years'ish and realistically, their top end is going to be in the 150"-160" range. Again, still a great beast...but that buck is never going to get to 200", no matter how many years you give him. (It is my experience that there are so few, as to be none that I can remember, examples of a given, known buck "blowing up" from one year to the next in the say 30-40+ inches range. I sometimes hear about these bucks from others...but we just don't see it on our place.)
The true giant, giants that we have seen...we knew when they were 3, or really even 2, that they were going to be special in the antler category. THOSE are the ones that you have to let live AND also keep the other bullies trimmed down too. Well...at least that is what I think for now.