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Looking for ideas on tree tubes…


PMA Member
Tree tubes and stakes have gotten really expensive. Where do you buy yours, length, type, suggestions???
I use the 58" plantra. I buy direct from plantra. They are not cheap but I have had good luck with them. In areas where I suspect the bucks will want to rub on them, i put a wire cage around them also.


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Rebar is probably cheapest stake you can go with tha holds up. #4 bar or bigger.

You might also find people thst want old fence pulled and you keep the posts. Those are near $7 each these days.

I like the miracle tree tubes.
Rebar is probably cheapest stake you can go with tha holds up. #4 bar or bigger.

You might also find people thst want old fence pulled and you keep the posts. Those are near $7 each these days.

I like the miracle tree tubes.
I use tree tubes also it’s not all about strength the tubes act as a green house so you’re tree will grow faster & they do give some protection I never had a buck rub any of my tubes . Their worth it .
I recently did TSI on a farmer friends 25 acre tree planting program. It's a finger in a low area, damp and I'd guess fairly good soil. A mix of Oaks. Southern Iowa deer country. These trees were planted mechanically in rows, like they typically do. They planted the trees way closer together in anticipation of losing some and none were protected. They certainly were not watered. I'd say half the trees, I just cut every other tree or if there was an outstanding tree I would adjust. Another 30% of the trees didn't do as well but still in compliance and I still released some trees. The remaining 20% did much worse with few trees released and more volunteer trees coming in. I guess what I took away from this was you can grow trees without protecting or watering if in the right area and soil. Over plant them for sure. Maybe do an unprotected test planting would be wise. Or... protect only the most vulnerable. Your other choice would be less trees planted and protect them all. The success rate seems to go way up when you plant less anyways. Paying $20-$25 to protect a $1 bareroot seedling is like having full coverage insurance on a 2000 F150...on the other hand, a 30 year old oak is priceless. :)
I protect the oaks with tubes, but will cut them back as they get bigger, or just cage the best ones.
Miracle Tubes are the benchmark. I've had the best luck with them too. 54" ones I believe. Any of these tubes are only as good as their stake though, dont skimp on that. If your area gets any wind at all either a steel T post or rebar is your best bet. I've tried everything and those are the best, MAYBE 2" conduit too.

I've had fantastic luck finding old steel t posts around local farms. Most guys just pile them up out back and will give them to you. I have posted on the local town FB pages and had plenty of guys that just want them out of the way, or for like $2/ea. Now I just scoop them up and stockpile when an opportunity comes along. Its funny how many you start finding when you're actually looking for them. Just dont be cheap and skimp on the stake. Best of luck!
How many are you planting?
I’ve been planting 25-75 and tubing them the last few years. I get about $7 each in them, if I’m careful to get free shipping. I have a large project in mind possibly. I always have projects in the works, small and pretty big (for me). I appreciate the replies.
I contacted customer support at treepro.com last year and got a bulk discount order on 60” tubes like $2.90 for 500. Split the order with a buddy so we could qualify for discount.
Stakes-10ft 3/4 inch PVC (from Menards) cut in half worked well for me.

Miracle tubes are worth the price unless you unlimited time to mess around with the knock offs.
I might have some to sell. I have 50 or so used in good shape and a bunch still in the bag. Not sure on qty. I'm in the wayne county area. They are the greenish, ventilated. Nice ones.
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