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Rain so far.


Well-Known Member
How are you fellas doing for rains this year.?

I'm in NW MN and we've received more then ample amounts. MANY acres are unplanted and those that did look poor for the most part.
This time last year we couldn't get a drop.
How are you fellas doing for rains this year.?

I'm in NW MN and we've received more then ample amounts. MANY acres are unplanted and those that did look poor for the most part.
This time last year we couldn't get a drop.
Same- all fields got planted and look good here in north Iowa. Rains can stop though- can’t get anything done. Predicting 2-8 inches in this area for rain (northern IA/Southern MN)
Same- all fields got planted and look good here in north Iowa. Rains can stop though- can’t get anything done. Predicting 2-8 inches in this area for rain (northern IA/Southern MN)
Since I posted this thread, 3ths have fallen. Ick again.
After a wet spring it's really dried out. Could use some rain. Less than an inch in June so far. Most of the rain has stayed west and north.
We were very dry in SE IA until Thursday when we had three rain events that dumped around 4-5” combined. Much needed.

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It’s wet up here. There’s a lot of rain up here and beans drown out in Mn & the Dakotas.
21 NW counties in Iowa declared a disaster due to excessive rain.

I got 0.8” in a downpour last night, crops looking great.

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Best growing season I’ve seen for probably 5-8 years. For sure got dry this last couple weeks but got some. Nothing to complain about in my area.
Just drove through NW iowa…. Way too much. Lot of fields u could boat across. Lake okoboji they shut down the boat wakes cause water level so high.
Aside from flooding- I’ll never complain on rain. Big bucks with this rain & most years we begging for rain

My farms are mainly S & sw of of Des Moines. Some NW of Des Moines
I’ve heard the levy broke in Spencer and they are requesting help with rescues. We got another 1.5 for a total of 5 inches in 24 hours. We have rain 4 out of the next 7 days in the forecast too. Not good
Skip, you mentioned " farms".
That term gets thrown around ALOT now.
I associate the word " farm" for income/ growing crops.
Is that what you mean?
Been in Decorah for a few days seeing family and friends and it is plenty wet. got hit pretty good this evening and last night. Heading up to NW Iowa later this week and it sounds like a huge mess up there. Lots of crops lost.
I'm north of rock valley and here is a few pictures of what the area looks like


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Skip, you mentioned " farms".
That term gets thrown around ALOT now.
I associate the word " farm" for income/ growing crops.
Is that what you mean?
Ya, as in…. Corn & bean farms. CRP. Hunting. Timber. Most anything I have has at least a tiny fraction of hunting on it. Some are for sure way more “income/tillable” though. I don’t own anything without some income on it. Spose on flip side- I don’t own anything without SOME hunting on it. I can appreciate deep high quality black dirt but I personally am bored to death looking at vast flat open combined acres of monocultures.
Dumped three tenths out of the rain gauge this morning. This keeps up and we are looking at a decent crop, ag and garden.

Sad for northern Iowa. We had the “training rain events” back in the 2008 floods in our area. The wet ground helps trigger future storms, a vicious cycle.

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