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For those here that planted


Well-Known Member
Pumpkins, how are they doing?

Mine struggled due to mice digging up the seeds so I had to replant later. Then hardly any rain for a month.
They are coming " ok" and this big rain we got 3 days ago got them going big time,

Barring an early frost, they may do ok.

Anyone plant Mammoth Sunnies for rubbing posts?

Mice also got most if my SunFlower seeds. Only 1 plant is growing good and it's about 8.5 feet tall.
Here are some pics of what's going on up here.
The spring into mid June were incredibly Wet.
To Wet.
From mid June until 3 days ago, it was bone dry.
Got brassicas,oats and clover in ahead of the rain. Pic of the oats is

3days from Germ till just now. 4" tall. Crazy.
Closeup pic is clover ,same time frame. I did not believe clover could Germ in 3 days.
1 pic is a mix of ppt, Der and radish. Treestand is in the split oak, right side.
Pic of bare dirt with yellowish Hawethorn tree in background is also in clover, (straight Ladino), it germed incredibly well in 3 days!.
Pic with leaning tree in the middle will be put in Rye come Sept.
Coupe pics of the 2 pumpkin plots.

1 pic of a clover plot i frost seeded last spring. Hardly a weed in it.
7 day Forcast calls for low/ mid 80s.
Excited to see how thing developed next 2 weeks.
Things were looking dismal 5 days ago, now I'm Giddy as heck.
Hope all you that have plots have success.


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Our 3 pumpkin patches seem a little on the weak side this year. We had seeds dug up early on, replanted them with saved seeds, had varmints chew pumpkins recently, had grass and weeds take over the patches. We got 2" of rain the past few days and it should help make fruit on the outer tips of vines now. Can it beat the frost?! It's all a mystery for now. We'll see what's in there in the coming weeks.
Never heard of planting pumpkins for a food plot but I plant them every year in my home garden. This year kind of…meh. Some plants are good and some bad. Fungus has been a problem with the rain and cool temps plus I’ve got a major pigweed problem but in the last 2 weeks I’ve kind of ignored it all. Basically taken a stance of whatever they do now is what they’re gonna do.
The kids couldn't help themselves. Guess we'll be storing some in the basement til September sometime.

This young buck just left.
He hung around for about 10 minutes.
He was eating Acorn, oats I just planted 6 days ago, he snuck in and grabbed a pumpkin flower, went and took a drink out of the tank ,went back to the oats until a doe n her fawn came in. She chased him off.
Back yard bounty buffet.
Are you leaving any for the deer NC?
Just looked at my pumpkin plots a bit ago.
Kinda disappointed in the number of fruit growing compared to the way the plants themselves grew.
Are you leaving any for the deer NC?
Just looked at my pumpkin plots a bit ago.
Kinda disappointed in the number of fruit growing compared to the way the plants themselves grew.
We planted this year- about 3/4 of an acre- picking some for the local town festival and leaving the rest. Pry have 6-700 growing and I wish I was joking. We’ve had a lot of rain and timely rains- couldn’t have asked for a better year for rain in my area where last year I couldn’t buy a raindrop all summer

Have you planted pumpkins before for a foodplot?
I've been " trying" for years to inspire people to do it but so few dare to venture into doing so.

Have you planted pumpkins before for a foodplot?
I've been " trying" for years to inspire people to do it but so few dare to venture into doing so.
I have done some- like 8-10 mounds. Nothing to this extent though. I will try to snap some photos when I get back home early next week
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