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Blind trailer build


Active Member
Working on building a mobile blind trailer and trying to figure out the right size of trailer to buy to put stand and blind on so it's stable.

Would a 5x8 trailer with Jack's on 4 corners be stable enough or do I need a bigger trailer like 6x10 or something?

Going to be moving it around private property at home place and maybe somewhere else in the future
Not exactly what you are asking, but we mount our shacks to old farm running gear. Usually can be had pretty cheap. They have four wheels so very stable. Downside is you can't pull them very fast on the road.
Not exactly what you are asking, but we mount our shacks to old farm running gear. Usually can be had pretty cheap. They have four wheels so very stable. Downside is you can't pull them very fast on the road.
I'm looking at putting a blind on a trailer
How high off the trailer will the blind be ? That will determine how stable it is. The higher off trailer the wider / longer i would go.

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10 to 12 feet
Do you anchor those to the ground to keep them from tipping? Going to build one on a gravity wagon for next year.
The one I saw had anchors, but I'd want to have it on level ground versus and sidehill. I just know how top heavy they are unless maybe you put a lot of weight in the bottom?
Do you anchor those to the ground to keep them from tipping? Going to build one on a gravity wagon for next year.
I do if it is on the ridge and catches wind. Mine is currently at a river bottom farm and not anchored as the wind doesnt really blow there as bad. I will say if I could do mine over I would make it about 16" shorter. I went way too tall.
Semi-related...how do guys handle placing a blind/trailer combo on a side slope? I don't need it perfectly level, but I want something close to that.
We sold a bunch of these trailers with towers this past fall (without the blind) and were very happy with them. You can put any blind on top easily. I Put one out myself with a Banks blind on it and loved it. Has jacks on all 4 corners to level out and an kit to anchor it down as well. I am ordering more as I already have several of my next batch pre-sold.

Have rednecks 5x6 on trailers. 2 are on 4-5 foot wide x 6 and 8 foot long each trailers. One small trailer tires other 15 inch tires. Built 3 foot platforms on them to set blind on, jacks front 2 corners and tongue with adjustable outrigger type square perforated tubing on rear corners. Had 1 blow over heavy winds 60mph plus. Were not staked down. Now i stake all down with 3 t posts and rachet straps. Pull with truck or 4 wheeler. Take it slow on sidehill and bumps due to narrower wheel base/elevation.

Others on snow mobile trailers I like much better, much wider better stability towing and in winds. Same 3-4 foot platforms, I have settled on 3 foot now. Same jacks. i still t post and rachet to prevent from blowing over in excessive winds. As long as you are not dancing in them, are quiet even in winter. i don't really use them much, family use them in gun/muzzle.
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