Very Start….
FOOD……. I’d keep the corn as it’s necessary evil when your state keeps it wide open to bait-mania. I’d spend the “minor” amount of $ to add 10% anilogics base pellets to the corn so u give em vastly better nutrition than corn alone. Maybe some corn areas where u bring em towards center of farm just to keep em safe.
On the plot side: I’d always have a grain & several areas of clovers. Then… either add dbltree rye mix to eaten areas of it & convert some areas to brassicas. Or - overseed brassicas or rye, etc into the grains. Depends on stage of the grain yellowing. I can’t emphasize enough for folks who “want to do it right” & will do it…. 3-4 varieties in every plot. Grain like corn, clovers, rye mix, brassicas. At least 3 of those & IMO - grain & clover are probably the most important 2 but I personally wouldn’t go without the others either. How u design them- start with common sense & change them if an issue or tweak as needed. More to plots than that…. soil, tighter areas, SHOULD I FENCE GRAIN?, entrance & exits, where put blinds/stands, fertilizing & herbicides right, etc….. but I wanted to focus on what needs planted & IMO- do it and get it all done right!!!
Get mineral out asap & if u guys feed… add anilogics now if u giving em corn. Adds way more to body & racks & now is time for at least mineral.
Food & forest…. Immediately get state forester out there as soon as u can schedule. If u want any cost share. Then- have him look at: crop tree release, basal thinning & brush management (if honeysuckle). If no cost share- I’d be implementing this asap. I have my techniques & what works best but if u start with crop tree release & brush management & cut a bunch of “junk” (hinge or kill) - u will be a huge jump ahead. Can discuss hinge cutting & it’s good in small pockets through out farm. This will blow up: bedding, browse, mast production, timber value, desirable tree regeneration, land value, carrying capacity, mature buck capacity, rut activity, etc etc. Like “10 birds, 1 stone”. Get going asap on this. There’s some tips I can give to at least make some things simple to at least get you started if you gimme list of all tree species out there. Biggest thing with tsi …. I want u to have way more desirable bedding & have more does & bucks on place. Tons of “premium thick nasty spots” & literally u can make it, like…. “There was 3 ideal sought after bedding locations” to “now there’s 30”.
Quick hunting & land thoughts….. cell cams with solar so don’t go in too much. Common sense pressure at all times so don’t blow em out. In OHIO- I wouldn’t let feeders run out and I’d plant so much diversity that food lasts to spring. The cliche of entrance & exits but u gotta have this down. Everyone says it….. very few have it right. Even stands & blinds in right spot with those entrances & exits- be the dude that gets em down & that right there sets u so far apart from your neighbors.
On the road stuff…. I’d do a few rows… million examples…. Like, 1 row miscantheus, 1 row cedars, 1 row willow/poplar….. so many combos it’s endless. IMO - don’t do just one. I do 3 & do a 4th of Egyptian wheat if u got road issues. Fixes it year 1 & better for permanent solution every year following til fills in. Gate & post it with dang good signs, hang cameras in places kinda hidden where maybe any issues.
Off the cuff …. I’d have multiple water holes. I would not be wasted drunk while you’re hunting like your neighbor

. Don’t over complicate or over think “the plot design needs to be like made by an architect…. Do it right & lots of diverse stuff is way more important than design. Same with Tsi…. Get over your whole place and at least get pockets started. Year 1.. say 10-20 tanks of chainsaw fuel would be a gauge of like “ya, I cut a lot of areas or pockets to get me started. Maybe some edge feathering.
Yes, shoot bullies or get them shot by a guest if needed.
As many dynamite stands/blinds as possible that cover all winds. I even have a “spot” that’s amazing with 2-3 stands so I can hunt on varying winds. Pick best days to hunt & lay off the iffy days IMO.
Yes - do sections of switch. Pockets, strips, etc. Screen, thermal cover & bedding- yes, absolutely. Any cool season areas doing nothing - put it in. Or areas u want that cover. Go.
2 cents summarized…. Get ur plots diverse & top tier - year round lasting food. Tsi the whole place- start in pockets. Tons of bedding areas. Shut down or minimize poaching or idiots. Blow up nutrition with feed, mineral, plots & Tsi. “Hunt it super careful & smart”. Those foundational issues are KEY and you cannot skimp on those. That’s the core & once u got the core laid down…. Then u start next phases. In reality…. The core things will have u loaded up for a year for sure. There’s my STARTING LIST …. Get those going …. Fire back with ?’s, circumstances, obstacles, ideas. Get some smart buddies to help & give u second set of eyes out there. Have fun & good luck!!