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Cedar bedding along access routes


Active Member
I have a row of cedars along access route that's flanked with 2 year old miscanthus grass and every time I walk to blind I feel I'm spooking deer walking to stand bc stand sightings are going down quickly. The stand or blind over looks food plot on east side of property.
Yesterday I was doing some habitat work and walked through cedars to try and locate sheds and found a dead buck that must of only been like 2 weeks dead. This confirmed that the deer bed under the cedars and watch me access stand.
Do you think it would be a good idea to drop these cedars and create wall along woods edge that would be like 200 yds long to keep deer from seeing me access stand or would that stop the deer from using area bc of the blockage?
I still want deer to use bedding near food.
Thoughts on best practice here?
Sounds like you need to come up with a different way to access, or abandon the plot/stand all together.

Not sure on your farm size/layout, but eradicating their choice bedding seems counterproductive.

Typically much easier to move the food than move the bedding.
That’s a tough call ? Depends on so many factors. I personally don’t like to take out cover like cedars that are getting heavy use ? Just my thought.
That’s a tough call ? Depends on so many factors. I personally don’t like to take out cover like cedars that are getting heavy use ? Just my thought.
Do you think it's valuable to thin cedars or make travel corridors through them?
Some of mine are so thick you can't walk through them
Do you think it's valuable to thin cedars or make travel corridors through them?
Some of mine are so thick you can't walk through them
I think trimming cedar limbs so deer can travel through them is a good idea . I plan on doing some of this in next month.

How tall are the cedars ?
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I think trimming cedar limbs so deer can travel through them is a good idea . I plan on doing some of this in next month.

How tall are the cedars ?
Cedar,pines,spruce planted close together can inhabit deer movement for sure.
I'd cut out trails through them. Betting the deer will adopt them real fast.
Every single one of us " deer habitat" freaks realize that we can only do so much.
Access/ entry routes are seldom bullet proof, sometimes we just gotta roll with what we got.
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