Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Recent content by ArrowSlinger

  1. ArrowSlinger

    Tree stand hanging harness

    Let me look to see what size mine is I got one new never used it I'd sell If your interested
  2. ArrowSlinger

    LOT Tag Dates

    So landowner buck tags and doe tags are good for all the seasons now?
  3. ArrowSlinger

    450 Bushmaster AR Pistol in Late Muzzleloader

    So are these pistols still "legal" to use for iowa late season muzzeloader season? And what's it have to be for it to be legal?
  4. ArrowSlinger

    Turkey hunt giveaway

    Great opportunity for one lucky youth hunter!!
  5. ArrowSlinger

    Dave smith deer decoy questions

    Yea I bought one also they are so realistic it's crazy lotta money but seems to be worth the big price tag
  6. ArrowSlinger

    Dave smith deer decoy questions

    Interested in getting a new deer decoy for next season...I got a primos scarface now but it looks wimpy and not aggressive at all! The dave smith seems to be the best on the market...obviously with the price tag it better be! Just curious if you guys think it really matters if they are in the...
  7. ArrowSlinger

    WTB - TC Encore ML

    I got one pm me and ill try to get you pics
  8. ArrowSlinger

    Wanted: black cva scout thumbhole stock

    All the research I've done says do not put a boyds on a smokeless muzzeloader they do not hold up and will break! Also people say they are alot bulkier than the synthetic ones!
  9. ArrowSlinger

    Wanted: black cva scout thumbhole stock

    I guess they discontinued making these and looking to put one on my cva smokeless scout conversion. Pm if u have one for sale! Thanks
  10. ArrowSlinger

    Hearing protection???

    I have the walker 2.0 also midway usa had them on sale for $150.00 not sure If sale is still going but they are worth the price tag!
  11. ArrowSlinger

    Standing Corn killing my rut action

    Were in the same boat every year! They finally picked the beans November 7th....
  12. ArrowSlinger

    Question on land owner tags

    A landowner tag can be used for whatever you want it to be I like to wait till my first bow tag is filled then depending on length of season left I will decide then if I should purchase another bow tag or hold out till the gun seasons open....heres another question I'm not sure of maybe someone...
  13. ArrowSlinger

    Foggy Morning Clean Decap

    By far the best footage I've seen in a long time great shot
  14. ArrowSlinger

    New shotgun for turkey hunting

    How far do you feel comfortable shooting this at a Turkey?
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