Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Recent content by BJohnson

  1. BJohnson

    Been awhile.

    Congrats Robin, your perseverance paid off with a solid buck. Sent from my SM-S711U using Tapatalk
  2. BJohnson

    2024 Late Muzzleloader Buck

    Yep, that's the kind of buck we all dream about. Congrats on that giant. Sent from my SM-S711U using Tapatalk
  3. BJohnson

    Shop Remodel

    This project looks extremely well done. Congrats Ishi.
  4. BJohnson

    Daughters Gun 1 buck

    Hey buddy, Haley said she was really glad you took the time to stop by and be part of the memory of that hunt. Thx.
  5. BJohnson

    Daughters Gun 1 buck

    The family farm produced a great memory again yesterday. The memories have come from many different sources - family & friend shed hunts, the numerous work days, overnight tent camping trips with my wife and children, etc. My daughter Haley and I spent 5 hrs together on Sat, starting the...
  6. BJohnson


    Nice job of staying the course and keeping your head in the game after a miss. That buck tag ended up where it belongs Drew, on that mature 8.
  7. BJohnson

    Target buck down

    He's a beauty Jarin, well done buddy.
  8. BJohnson

    First Public Land Buck

    Sounds like your bow season was a journey worth taking Curtis, good stuff man.
  9. BJohnson

    Split G3 Buck - Final Chapter

    Grest looking deer
  10. BJohnson


    Thats a fine whitetail, well done
  11. BJohnson

    Veterans day buck

    Nice shooting !! A wide frame is hard to pass up, dandy buck.
  12. BJohnson

    Veterans Day

    Thx to any and all Vets. We owe you more than we can ever repay.
  13. BJohnson

    Hudson's biggest buck to date

    Great job Hudson and Jordan.
  14. BJohnson

    2nd sit on new Farm

    Heck yeah, dandy buck
  15. BJohnson

    Dakota's first deer

    That's the best of times, for sure. Congrats fellas.
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