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Recent content by Bucksnbears

  1. Bucksnbears

    Missouri Survey on Non-Resident Hunting

    I can't even comprehend that.
  2. Bucksnbears

    Cover crops for soil building

  3. Bucksnbears

    Bedding area maintenance

    As long as the deer have easy acsess trails in/ out, thick n nasty the better.
  4. Bucksnbears

    Bedding area maintenance

    Thanks Skip. Yep, lots of FUN work. Seems kinda odd that a " deer hunting" site gets more replies on politics topics then this kind of stuff?
  5. Bucksnbears

    Treestand seat material.

    Have got about 15 ladderstands set up and am struggling with them getting wet and squirrels chewing them up. (The seat cushion) You fellas find anything that works well too avoid these problems? All my stands are the type with steel mesh type seats.
  6. Bucksnbears

    Missouri Survey on Non-Resident Hunting

    Hmmm. Just putting wood in the stove, thinking about this topic and had a brain fart. Let's say, states had a 3 month rifle season. Josh Q landowner knows he has a Giant buck on it and kills it Sept 15th, opening day. He's accomplished his " goal" and would more likely let others hunt his...
  7. Bucksnbears

    Missouri Survey on Non-Resident Hunting

    Great thread. Awesome viewpoints and a civil discussion. I can only attest to Mn and the (assumed) reason for such an early season.. WEATHER. Not so common anymore but, years ago, it was somewhat common to have big snows/ blizzards late oct/ early Nov. Virtually shutting down deer hunting...
  8. Bucksnbears

    Bedding area maintenance

    Wow!..., I really screwed that up!. Sorry guys.:(
  9. Bucksnbears

    Bedding area maintenance

    Last one. Hope I didn't screw this up?
  10. Bucksnbears

    Bedding area maintenance

    Winter of 23/24 I spent a good amount of time doing a bedding cut. Picked away for about 2 months. Was very methodical on how it was gonna be laid out. Area size was about 2 acres total. Trees present were ( lots ) of boxelder, some smaller elm, bigger basswood, smaller hackberry, Big Ash and a...
  11. Bucksnbears

    Deer Classic

    I'll help ya Ishi. One acre in the center will do.:p
  12. Bucksnbears

    Missouri Survey on Non-Resident Hunting

    Mn is a free for all. Heck, I kinda wish more non residents would come. Locals ain't doing squat where I'm at. Once again, Big Buck Mania is gonna be the downfall for future deer hunting.
  13. Bucksnbears

    Who is shed hunting?!

    Corn ground and shed hunting sucks,! Can't even fathom how many I've missed doing so. Overall, went into this late season being about the most optimistic for years. Am totally disappointed in what I've found. Dismally pathetic. Like a dream of Cindy Crawford only to see Rosie O'Donnell...
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