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Recent content by chipterp

  1. chipterp

    Non-Res Landowners - How do they hunt annually?

    Most guys just claim residency and have gotten away with it for years . DNR stopped going after them because a lot of them have deep pockets and good lawyers. I’m sure everyone knows a neighbor or two doing it. And here we are discussing landowner tags for actual residents .
  2. chipterp


    I get a call from the local group for permission after deer season is over and give them the green light to kill everyone they can along with permission given when people ask to go try and call them in .
  3. chipterp

    Dilemma of selling one of my Iowa Farms

    I would never sell my best of 4 farm. I would shoot for the middle two . Kind of feels like your doing a little fishing for interested parties on here without saying that part out loud.
  4. chipterp

    Iowa Cell Camera rules

    Finally !!! Glad I didn’t buy any more lol
  5. chipterp

    NR party hunting to be eliminated

    Good lord people give it a rest and go back and work on the laws to improve your own states . You were allowed to take advantage of a loophole all these years and now it’s closed as it should be . Even if some resident guys act like they feel bad in here they really don’t . Non residents have...
  6. chipterp

    NR party hunting to be eliminated

    I can appreciate this take on it
  7. chipterp

    NR party hunting to be eliminated

    But most I personally know don’t actually move here except for deer season.They just have enough money to afford an extra house in another state.
  8. chipterp

    NR party hunting to be eliminated

    I for one do not really care about nrs getting upset about closing the loophole. Draw odds don’t make sense to buy ground in Iowa to bow hunt anymore. So some use the loophole while waiting to draw and a lot claim residency illegally. And I do mean a lot. They have driven up the ground prices in...
  9. chipterp

    NR party hunting to be eliminated

    Should be illegal according to the written laws on private then also imo. Cell cams help kill more big deer than any weapon that’s ever been added.
  10. chipterp

    NR party hunting to be eliminated

    So based on some of the comments in this what about if they clarify cell cams as using electronic devices to track and monitor deer. Which is absolutely what people do when choosing which stand to sit in or plot to hunt ?
  11. chipterp

    Great podcast to listen to! Steve Hansen on the Land Podcast

    Just curious how you know a lot of young bucks are killed during late muzzy. I’m all for discussions but that is an odd statement with nothing to back it up. And nope my smokeless is a break action.
  12. chipterp

    Great podcast to listen to! Steve Hansen on the Land Podcast

    I haven’t been able to read through all the comments to see if it’s been addressed but down in our area farms that might be pushed a couple times during gun season and then left untouched the rest of the year are now leased out by outfitters with blinds and plots on them and hunted all season...
  13. chipterp

    Land prices / insane!!!

    We went to look at a listing last week and there weren’t any pics on the listing that was up and when the listing realtor sent my realtor pics they were pics taken of a computer screen that was tilted. I guess they were hoping some people haven’t figured that one out yet.
  14. chipterp

    Land prices / insane!!!

    The guy who bought the 1306 in van buren is trying to flip already and I can buy the main 700 acres for 11k per acre . Guess our farm across the road is worth 10k/acre then . Any takers ?
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