Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Recent content by dreambig@84

  1. D

    Tree spade and mover

    Anyone have any contacts on here that would be willing to move some cedars to new location in my property? Also what's the cost of such job?
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    Cedar bedding along access routes

    Do you think it's valuable to thin cedars or make travel corridors through them? Some of mine are so thick you can't walk through them
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    I would be interested if you come to Desmoines area ever?
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    Thank you. I appreciate your insight:)
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    What do you like for feeders? Looking to buy one. Also what feed should I use?
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    Whats the best feeder to use for creating a shed catching area? Do you find it effective at spreading out alfalfa hay around feeder? What are some ideas here?
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    Cleaning up miscanthus

    Thank you Rob:)
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    Cleaning up miscanthus

    I have an area where I planted miscanthus last year and I'm getting foxtail and grasses growing amongst the 1st year miscanthus plantings. It would be a issue burning since it's next to buildings and wouldn't want it to get out of control. Whats the best way of managing this for weeds now and...
  9. D

    Osage orange trees

    Would they grow in south central iowa well like norway or cedars?
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    Osage orange trees

    What are the best screening trees to grow in swampy areas? Need to find a solution for screening from the road
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    Osage orange trees

    That sounds like a good plan. Do you keep your honey locust trees or girdle?
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    Osage orange trees

    What kind of oaks and where do you get them?
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    Osage orange trees

    When u say thicket are you saying I should cut the osage to create thicket?
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    Cedar bedding along access routes

    I have a row of cedars along access route that's flanked with 2 year old miscanthus grass and every time I walk to blind I feel I'm spooking deer walking to stand bc stand sightings are going down quickly. The stand or blind over looks food plot on east side of property. Yesterday I was doing...
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