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Recent content by IowaBowHunter1983

  1. IowaBowHunter1983

    Thorny Locust Removal

    It remains active for up to 5 years. Not a guarentee it will kill anything but it is a risk. Not one I'm willing to take when there are other options
  2. IowaBowHunter1983

    Thorny Locust Removal

    I never recommend use of tordon if you have any desirable trees within 50 yards. Triclopyr and diesel.
  3. IowaBowHunter1983

    Slime in Tractor Tires

    Contemplated foam filling my fronts for years. Smaller than those tires tho
  4. IowaBowHunter1983

    Anyone got any decent rates on recent land purchases

    Lil bit of apples and oranges. You can 100% buy farms thru retirement accounts, legally.
  5. IowaBowHunter1983

    Anyone got any decent rates on recent land purchases

    Self Directed IRA is not a withdrawal. It's no different than moving investment vehicles within your retirement portfolio. Technically you cannot use self-directed IRA properties for personal use. I have yet to see an IRS agent walking around to see if you are hunting tho.......
  6. IowaBowHunter1983


  7. IowaBowHunter1983


    Spray: Gly: 2 quarts per acre 24d: 1.5 pint per acre Simazine: 2 quarts per acre (do NOT over spray simazine) When dead use you brush cutter to expose some soil. Broadcast switchgrass. 10 lbs per acre (higher rate than drilling) no sooner than 10 days after spray if used 24d. Run it over...
  8. IowaBowHunter1983

    Missouri Survey on Non-Resident Hunting

    While I acknowledge the poll that says majority of MO hunters happy with current rifle date, id bet the house if they changed it and ran a poll 3-4 years later an even bigger majority would vote they like the new dates. Have seen these polls play out in state after state. Many people are...
  9. IowaBowHunter1983

    Missouri Survey on Non-Resident Hunting

    100% agreed. Every state that has implemented reg changes has booming support a few years later once people see the results. example: I don't think antler point restrictions are the best way by any means, but I remember Michigan barley passing that in limited areas and then a few years later it...
  10. IowaBowHunter1983

    Missouri Survey on Non-Resident Hunting

    I hope Missouri makes some changes and takes care of their residents first and foremost. Move gun season back Make NR tags a draw & raising prices is fine. I don't think limiting portions of the season or where people can hunt is a good idea imo
  11. IowaBowHunter1983


    Available equipment and current condition of where you want to plant and ill spell it out real simple.
  12. IowaBowHunter1983

    Future of CRP

    Lots of great ideas. I'm skeptical of getting politicians to understand these nuances tho.
  13. IowaBowHunter1983

    Future of CRP

    I think maybe there is a little bit of lack of acknowledgement or appreciation on what GOOD CRP can provide in terms of biodiversity, soil health, microbes, habitat for thousands of things not named a deer. I can get caught up in being too deer-centric myself. You can certainly make an...
  14. IowaBowHunter1983

    PH drill questions

    I haven't seen an M series in person but I'm assuming they are metering seed similar to a drop seeder. Works fine for small seed. Wondering how that would work for larger stuff like corn or beans.
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