Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Recent content by Jbohn

  1. Jbohn

    Soybean row spacing and population

    I been planting high populations or deer browse is bad , does seem to make a difference .. 140K not many beans I almost have to go 2 Bags to an acre. Planted Eagle few years back still had to increase population , Hammered them during summer. took for ever to dry down and pods very small ...
  2. Jbohn

    Roundup Ready Corn & Soybean Food Plot

    I own the farm to the south so I have a few options on access .. there is also an access road on the north west end of the new piece .. Thanks
  3. Jbohn

    Roundup Ready Corn & Soybean Food Plot

    I'm going to leave the whole field standing . Beans seems to be the easier route , I could also over seed into them in September . I just like corn so debating . Currently it's planted in RYE . Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Jbohn

    Roundup Ready Corn & Soybean Food Plot

    Advice , About 3 years ago I spoke with Skip about my farm and he told me to sell it or buy the ground around me if I wanted to achieve my goals , Outfitter issues and he was right but I stuck it out and finally just got the property bought . Question I now have 10 acres of good tillable not...
  5. Jbohn

    Roundup Ready Corn & Soybean Food Plot

    Question , 15 acres of ag beans , would you plant higher population of ag beans than normal ? High deer density don't want to waste my time .. If it will get destroyed at normal populations. Thanks
  6. Jbohn

    Views from the stand 2024-25

    From what I learned on Iowa Whitetail !! First hunt of the year !!! Thanks to all that have shared your knowledge with me the last 10 years !!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. Jbohn

    Switch vs. Indian

    Switch will stand all year IMO , Indiangrass will be a Pancake !!!
  8. Jbohn

    Youth success… Double on old bucks!

    Success !!!! Great Job.
  9. Jbohn

    Dakota's first deer

    Congrats !!
  10. Jbohn

    First Bow Buck- Dream season!!!

    Can I hunt with Charlie :) , Great Job Charlie ... Heck of a year ...
  11. Jbohn

    Charlies video of youth hunt….

    That Was awesome !!! Good Times :)
  12. Jbohn

    2024 Buck - 7.5 years in the making…..

    Well Deserved , TOAD !!!!
  13. Jbohn

    24-25 Team Contest Sign Up

    12 I am in !!
  14. Jbohn

    Roundup Ready Corn & Soybean Food Plot

    I appreciate it !! , Thanks Daver !! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. Jbohn

    Roundup Ready Corn & Soybean Food Plot

    Planning for next season , Are most of you planting the same corn anywhere or are you using possibly different hybrids for different soil and moisture concerns , going to plant on some high ground next year that is I would say a moisture concern not best ground like good bottom dirt. , getting...
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