Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Views from the stand 2024-25

Sneaky...I like it. Back in the day I had a couple of killer stands that were at least that close to a road. East in, easy out and the deer naturally linger for a few extra moments before making a break for it and jogging across the road. I also think they were distracted by the road/potential traffic and dropped their guard a little bit near a road. Good spot!!
Saturday morning a young buck moving through.
The morning awoke with a butch of turkeys close. Around 7:30 four long beards were 25 yards away chilling out in the creek bed. One more Tom came from the east and all heck broke out and the turkey spat was on. After it was all done 6-7 more Toms were all in on the action and several hens were flying in to the spat. Nature never disappoints
  • Deleted by Windlooker
  • Reason: Vv
Sneaky...I like it. Back in the day I had a couple of killer stands that were at least that close to a road. East in, easy out and the deer naturally linger for a few extra moments before making a break for it and jogging across the road. I also think they were distracted by the road/potential traffic and dropped their guard a little bit near a road. Good spot!!

These are great setups, I utilize several like this on my property.

Also great for neighbors to come by honking and clear the field if needed for me :)
From what I learned on Iowa Whitetail !! First hunt of the year !!! Thanks to all that have shared your knowledge with me the last 10 years !!!

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Always fun to see this kind of stuff.
I try to analyze the pics and try to see the what n why you guys sit where you do.


Using the decoy tonight. Have seen 4 baldies and a little forky. The forky was just feeding along and behaving himself. But he must have got a dose of "November" because he ended up chasing one of the does and clearing the field. Plenty of time yet for the right one to show up yet.
Backyard stand, house on the hill. Just put this one up, good funnel and scrape. Fawns are on their own, lockdown in progress. I've seen some mature buck cruising mid-day down here from the house in years past. Time to do all-dayers.

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