Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Recent content by october1

  1. O

    Giant Sunflowers for rubbing posts

    Many years ago (2004?) I was looking for a source to buy giant sunflower in large quantity because I wanted to try them in combination with Egyptian wheat for screening. I was hoping the giant sunflowers would hold up the Egyptian wheat to keep it from bending over late season and snapping off...
  2. O

    Couple questions.

    lol You are real close to the mix I sold. It just depends on your exact variety of a few of those and I only used berseem as an annual. Strictly for a cover crop. And you are right, it was an absolute smoker combo. Especially with the specific varieties of a couple of those I used. Best mix...
  3. O

    Water hole question!

    You can always ask the township what is in their water to be sure but most of the chlorine should evaporate in 24-48 hrs. Many places use chloramine (combining ammonia and chlorine) instead of chlorine because it's more stable. I'm not sure how long that would take to dissipate or how it would...
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    Couple questions.

    After seeing the label on that bag it looks like they must have dropped using any lime as a coating a while back (I'm also very unimpressed with that seed blend). I'm not sure how much their Rainbond coating would cost. When I was in the business those specialty coatings were expensive but they...
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    Couple questions.

    Sligh1, Why do you say Berseem keeps their costs down? It actually adds to the cost because they add it on top of what they need to give you for the given acreage. I had a food plot seed company for many years and I added Berseem as a cover crop because clover plots often don't thicken up until...
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    Tall grass for a walking in screen

    Giant Miscanthus is really expensive and takes a long time to establish. Plus it also doesn't always hold up to heavier snows. RC Big Rock will probably work well, but you could also try the Northwoods HD screen (which should hold up better to heavy snow) even though it's an annual and because...
  7. O

    Anyone ever use a hand held weed wiper?

    100's of 1 gallon pots & smaller. Tree's, shrubs & hardwood cuttings with tiny leaves waiting to root. Almost everything is 1"-1 foot tall & have been ravaged by gypsy moth caterpillar & don't have a lot of roots. Even a small amount of drift in the windy swirling conditions here would cost me...
  8. O

    Anyone ever use a hand held weed wiper?

    No. Too risky closely spraying all around plants in the nursery in close proximity and always swirling winds due to privacy fence and house. I can't risk losing thousands of $$ worth of plants.
  9. O

    Anyone ever use a hand held weed wiper?

    I could use one for an area that's risky to spray Glyphosate but don't have one & never used one. If anyone has used one how did it work for you? And which model did you use?
  10. O

    The Mount of Patches

    WOW, very, VERY nice mount! Amazing looking buck. You did a heck of a job Scott!!!
  11. O

    Iowa trophy buck by county map?

    I have found a map that showed the trophy bucks by county in the past. I'm pretty sure it was on the DNR website, but now I can't find it. I can only find a listing by score. No map. Anybody have a link to it?
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    I imagine you have told him the "why" is because ethics are only important to these guy's until it gets in the way of getting it on tape for money and fame. Plus there are some people that just plain don't care about the animal. Very disappointing. :(
  13. O

    anonymous video PIG

    Has that same look to it doesn't it. Wide with low sweeping beams. Now if I could just find me one like that. :eek::way:
  14. O

    Whittakers Wildlife

    Did you happen to see my head there?
  15. O

    Thuja "green giant" conifer for screen

    I have experimented with Thuja Green Giant's and like them. I never had a deer, rabbit or anything else touch them. I would plant them about 5'-6' apart if you decide to use them.
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