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Recent content by WNC Shedhead

  1. WNC Shedhead

    NE Iowa Taxidermists

    My Dad has recently re relocated to NE Iowa by Decorah and killed a really nice buck on Wednesday that he would like to have mounted. It has been 10 years or more since he had one mounted and has no idea who to take stuff too in the area. He doesnt mind paying a little more if the quality is...
  2. WNC Shedhead

    The Future of Iowa Hunting - Rumors Flying

    As a NR I think that the allotment is a tad bit stingy but I can live with it. The price of the current NR tags are as high as they need to go. The joke of the current system is the doe tags for NR shotgun hunters ($355). I hunt a farm that all the landowner asks is that we shoot does every...
  3. WNC Shedhead

    NRs kill higher percentage does than archers

    Back to the original topic of this thread. As a group of NR's that have rights on about 180 acres in clayton county in the last 4 years we have had 4 archery licenses between the 4 of us. With those licenses we have taken 4 bucks and 3 does. However on the years we have not drawn tags we...
  4. WNC Shedhead

    Open Letter from a Non-Resident.

    I like your thought out response. Unfortunately it does not address where the money is going to come from for the states budget shortfalls. The state does not care about someones hunting experience, only greenbacks.
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