Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

URGENT + EASY + TIME - THURSDAY, Capital, 2 bad bills!!!!

Sounds like at least 2 "farmers" and Phil our lobbyists will be there and you fellas got this covered!

I'd stress depredation tags are already available for high density areas, and DNR has a long waiting list of people looking to doe hunt where needed.

Also in acordinance to the 40 acre nr tag bill I'd stress how tough it is to secure private hunting land. Kids are have to pay $2,000 + to lease a 40!

Now leasing hunting rights is pretty well common pratice as farmers feel foolish when they have coffee and farmer Jon tells how his hunters pay him $10,000 and year to hunt and here I have been giving permissions for years for free.....

Good Luck! Be Confident and Adiment the farming /hunting community is 100% against these bills. Hopefully you get them shut down in subcommittee!!!!
NOON one is really important. “Kill all the deer year round” …. Farm Bureau is VERY CONFIDENT this will get passed. While we are Half our harvest data vs 15 years ago. >32,000 ehd deaths 2 years in a row based on dnr data showing <10% recovery rate of dead deer (doesn’t include those that find & don’t report!).
Dnr is being overwhelmed by hunters contacting due to low/no deer. Western iowa and N 2/3rd of state especially. We have leftover tags in “kill em all” counties because guys quit buying tags as they dont have the #’s!!
We’ll lose millions in revenue for state, hunters, economy if we kill more & hunters start quitting. Based on a handful of angry farmers with FB that are NOT using our current available tools to solve their “problem”. They don’t promote or use the tools we have…. so they enact this year round depredation to “kill em all” which will impact the whole state. Can’t make this stuff up.
Farm bureaus goal is to make deer the same as the pheasants…. A huntable population with a wide spread culture of taking afield…. To 10 years later…. No pheasants & hunters all quit. Different dynamics but that’s FB’s goal. They want every last Deer dead. Each deer is an economic negative to them. Even if it’s .00000001% of farm revenue. They’d kill em all if one nickel more got in their pockets.
Greetings from FL. FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!
Any updates how the subcommittees went from those that attended. Thanks by the way. I wish I was able to attend these type of things. Unfortunately job will never allow it.
  • Deleted by Falldreams
  • Reason: Need to change it
Any updates how the subcommittees went from those that attended. Thanks by the way. I wish I was able to attend these type of things. Unfortunately job will never allow it.
Both bills made it through the first sub committee meetings. 2-1 in both meetings. As can be imagined there is ALOT of hatred for deer amongst us as well as mis informed people. The fight will continue.
  • Deleted by Windlooker
  • Reason: Because
Was an interesting day for sure. Great turn out of people to speak in opposition to both Bills. Unfortunately both Bills made it out of the SubCommittee. The depredation bill will be harder to stop it has full Farm Bureau support and Rep Collins stopped us pretty quick in our comment time. On the bright side met some great people today.
Seen on Spacebook that a airbow bill is assigned a sub committee! Time will tell if the info is correct
First off - thank you to everyone that went to the meetings today and let your voice be heard!

Does anyone else get frustrated that the IBA and ISC don't put it on their social media about specific bills that need stopped?

It's not difficult to put a post that says, HF 22 and HF 65 need stopped, the subcommittee meetings are at this address at this time. If you can't make it, here are the subcommittee members that need emailed (then list their email address). Contact them immediately and let them know your opinion.
First off - thank you to everyone that went to the meetings today and let your voice be heard!

Does anyone else get frustrated that the IBA and ISC don't put it on their social media about specific bills that need stopped?

It's not difficult to put a post that says, HF 22 and HF 65 need stopped, the subcommittee meetings are at this address at this time. If you can't make it, here are the subcommittee members that need emailed (then list their email address). Contact them immediately and let them know your opinion.
They just sprung these subcommittee meetings - when they found out I was in Florida. ;)
I agree on this. Both need to do a better job. On it, both groups. Gonna change.
I went to both sub committee meetings (disappointing results) today, I wanted to mention that anyone who has never went I strongly encourage you to do so in the future. It was very simple like @Sligh1 had mention, stated my name, where I stand on the bill and how it affects myself. I am an introvert and doing this was outside my comfort level but when things like this come up it sends a strong message to these politicians when there is a room full of people (voters) apposing a bill.

They just sprung these subcommittee meetings - when they found out I was in Florida. ;)
I agree on this. Both need to do a better job. On it, both groups. Gonna change.

I get it, but there was plenty of time to post in here and there were multiple guys that were able to make it. I guarantee the reach of the IBA and ISC on social media is far larger than some guys seeing it on a forum. Especially if you could get a page like Trophy Bucks of Iowa to share it. I would imagine guys on here are a little more receptive to taking action but at some point its a numbers game.
The people that showed…. This DID make a difference!!!!! I already got some back room feedback. The bills suffered some damage. This damage will follow them as they move forward. We will continue to hammer them. We know their stance too so we know how to fight this.
you guys showed up and it DID make a big difference!!! Had no one showed…. These bills would have a far higher chance of passing & would be going forward with far more confidence. Thanks all!!!! I have no more trips planned so I’ll be there to battle with you all & the state can’t thank you enough!!!
I get it, but there was plenty of time to post in here and there were multiple guys that were able to make it. I guarantee the reach of the IBA and ISC on social media is far larger than some guys seeing it on a forum. Especially if you could get a page like Trophy Bucks of Iowa to share it. I would imagine guys on here are a little more receptive to taking action but at some point its a numbers game.
Ive never seen Trophy Bucks of Iowa take a stance on anything. They have such a following on social media, what appears to me to be way more than IBA and ISC. Their page can get a lot of engagement when they will post topic, but they remain neutral. They will post a topic or news on something and then just write "thoughts?" etc. Wish they would encourage people to write in etc. Wish the IBA/ISC had a larger following.
I know the opposition views. What did the supporting side say?? Curious as to their position.
To partly answer your question and for everybody else as well. Republican, Mike Sexton is very in favor of this additional depredation bill HF 65 on top Of the depredation programs we already have in place. It might be good to know that he farms 1000 acres with some of that in livestock and sheep from what i understand. He is extremely worried about his livestock ending up with CWD due to all of the overabundance of deer that use his property. When asked how many people he allows to hunt his thousand acres that he claims is overrun with deer his answer was one guy.

He needs much more insight and knowledge and education on Whitetails and CWD.
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