This is roughly Mr Sexton’s area. The most recent DNR study. Some of the lowest deer densities in the state. I stand firm by the notion that some guys don’t want solutions or even have “real problems”- they just wanna bitch.
My question to Mr sexton beyond above (which is glaringly obvious like you pointed out!!!!!) ….. how many times have you contacted your local CO to grant access to folks that want to shoot does? You know- that standing list that never gets met. The answer is clearly 0. Along with his rationale of wanting to change the states regs because he allows 1 or 2 hunters on his thousand acres?!?!?!? Sorry, but the assessment that he’s loaded with deer is not correct based on the data (this is the density in areas with cover by the way)…. It’s not based on facts regarding the solutions he already has. So what else could it be?????
COULD IT BE: Lobbying by Farm Bureau &/or political donations? Sorry folks, it’s either that &/or pure ignorance + laziness. & one more sorry…. There’s cases where ignorance, laziness & lack of common sense get employment…. One of those areas is as a POLITICIAN!!! There’s a lot of good ones but on this issue, based on what we are seeing- this is either $ at play or lack of common sense. Period.
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