Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. Bucksnbears

    Waterholes revisited

    Last summer was Dry!. Maybe once a week? This year, water standing in lots of places. I don't do it « for« the deer as they can go 100 yards to the river. I do it for fun. With all the rain we've had this spring, haven't needed to fill it once. It's more a sorce of social gathering I figger.
  2. Bucksnbears

    Waterholes revisited

    I have 1 tank buried. It's only about 40 gallons. Deer visit it daily even though the river is 100 yards away.
  3. Bucksnbears

    Idea for bedding.

    Would think it could also be great for a screening cover?
  4. Bucksnbears

    Idea for bedding.

    I've never done it but I wish I had a spot to try it. Sweet Clover. I've helped hay some and have hunted around it on several properties. Looking back, I can remember jumping many deer and seeing many beds in it. Has anyone here tried planting it of know of others that have done so for...
  5. Bucksnbears

    Giant Sunflowers for rubbing posts

    DeerDown, yeppers. That's why I only do a small amount each year. I usually do them right in front of my cabin for viewing pleasure. The pics 83 posted are exactly like how I do it. One more thing, once they get 4' or so tall, I start clipping the lower leaves/ stems off close to the trunk. And...
  6. Bucksnbears

    Buck nubs starting - left some cams out…

    ^^^Jimminy Christmas!
  7. Bucksnbears

    Now what?

    Way to early for brassicas. I'd mow it.
  8. Bucksnbears

    Trying something different this year.

    I do have a couple real small clover plots. I don't like hunting until late October and by then, they are usually down to the dirt but sure is fun watching deer all summer stop by and eat in them. Skip, super flat ground here. Don't have any erosion problems. I'm amazed at the amount of...
  9. Bucksnbears

    Northern MN?

    Longville area. Lots of lakes, beautiful area and not the crowds you'll find farther south.
  10. Bucksnbears


    Glad to see some of you trying pumpkins. What variety? Deerdown, I'm gonna guess that when those pumpkins start vining out, they will crush the bean stalks? Heck, I've had vines climb 5 feet up trees and grow fruit. Lol. No set planting depth but I'd say most are 1" deep. Yep, I always make...
  11. Bucksnbears

    Trying something different this year.

    K guys. On my little 32 acre piece of riverbottom, I've carved out all I can do for foodplots. Got 6 plots and all are no bigger then a 1/4 acre. For 14 years, I've sprayed to keep them completely black from early spring until time to plant. Pumpkins June 10, Brassicas July 25. Never had a...
  12. Bucksnbears

    Couple questions.

    Crimson clover, never planted it, but always assumed it was a plowdown type. Am I wrong?
  13. Bucksnbears


    What I like about this place, seems there is always someone who chimes in with knowledge.
  14. Bucksnbears

    Planting sunflowers

    Got them in today. Wish I had pics from previous years to sh9w you fellas.
  15. Bucksnbears

    Couple questions.

    I won't be using whitetail institute clover again. Heck, for years now, I've just bought straight ladino seed from RJ Hunt and have had superb plots.
  16. Bucksnbears

    Oversprayed Cedars

    Sucks losing 3 years worth of work.
  17. Bucksnbears


    Not sure how I missed this post? Whatever you do, try and have a super clean plot before planting pumpkins. I've tried many different methods including 1 year when I had like Zero time and it was super dry with cracked dirt. I had just a few hours of time before a big rain hit. I went on hands...
  18. Bucksnbears

    Looks like our wet spell

    Grab a tag Skip n come on up. You can stay at my cabin. 30 miles north of Fargo. Will be putting in pumpkins next week.
  19. Bucksnbears

    What's next for Republicans?

    True PureBlood here.
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