Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. deerdown


    Great story - Congrats !
  2. deerdown

    Open Country Buck

  3. deerdown

    Good news, bad news...

    Congrats on buck. When ehd hit our area it took 4 or 5 years to look somewhat normal again and it didn't hit us as bad as it sounds you guys got hit .
  4. deerdown

    Chestnut & persimmon

    There's a guy on Missouri Whitehall forum who has them . Has Chestnut and persimmon, I put in an order in just a couple weeks ago. 6' + for $35 each chestnuts... Has different sizes, priced accordingly. Contact me for info
  5. deerdown

    How early

    I used to get into my stand an hour before shooting light. Lots of wasted time doing that. Now I walk in when I can see well enough I don't need a flashlight....
  6. deerdown

    Ryder’s First Deer

    Congrats to both!
  7. deerdown

    35 days after I released my arrow, I finally found my buck.

    Great story, glad you found him.
  8. deerdown

    Turning the corner in the real estate market?

    But these 1-offs may be one of the reasons a landowners wants to list at those high prices. It only takes 1 buyer. And these high prices sales are the ones that hit the newswires and has everyone talking, feeds the idea that "I" might get that price too. Why wouldn't I try?
  9. deerdown

    HOW LONG LIVE? Stomach & maybe liver- PIC!!!

    When did you start the search? Any beds? At this point, it's dead. I'd look, listen for crows over the next few days after the coyotes get to it if the dog doesn't find it.
  10. deerdown

    HOW LONG LIVE? Stomach & maybe liver- PIC!!!

    So, is this a trail camera pic of the deer immediately after the shot, or 100, 200 or ??? yds? It looks like a patch of white on the lower jaw? If the pic was 100 yds or more after the shot, I'd expect to see blood if he caught a lung, or in the very least, not see white? Not a great pic...
  11. deerdown

    Turning the corner in the real estate market?

    Agreed, spend 12m and have to put up with partners? Hard pass...
  12. deerdown

    Turning the corner in the real estate market?

    This thread is a prime example of what my investment decisions usually look like. Lots of back and forth, some common arguments to the more extreme opposing arguments. Almost every farm I bought I've gone thru the above in my head. Since 1995 I've done the above discussion with my wife and in my...
  13. deerdown

    10-27 buck

    Solid deer, congrats
  14. deerdown

    Turning the corner in the real estate market?

    Yep, you're right, I was in a state of shock like many when that happened. I meant/mean a market drop that was caused by normal financial fundamentals, Although I was going to buy a farm that came up for sale during that time but put a buddy on it who bought it instead. I guess owning land...
  15. deerdown

    Turning the corner in the real estate market?

    I've been waiting for the stock market to drop for 5 years.....and still waiting.... no one knows what's going to happen, we're all just guessing. Logic seems out the window anymore, at least my logic and assumptions....I sold a farm about 10 months ago and in retrospect, sold it too cheap...
  16. deerdown

    Bobcat T595

    Another thing about running continuously on steep slopes is starving your oil pump and burning up the engine. Our new T770 tip meter I believe has a 20degree slope putting it in yellow and 25 degrees in red but I'd have to look again to be sure....
  17. deerdown


    Shame...nice deer. Was that the only one on your farm?
  18. deerdown

    Current interest rates!

    Congrats on the purchase! 8.4%,, wow... out of my league.. I've read something about FSA loans at 3%,50/50 with bank, up to 600k? What's this all about? I might consider this for my next purchase if I heard this right.
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