Like above said - FSA loans- lots of hoops. Worth it if u can qualify!!!
Here’s my wild guess….. I’d guess half the buyers on these tracts are cash buyers. Or if they borrow… they have vast amounts of land paid off. Prices & interest rates insane - they can clearly deal with it “no problem”.
Other 50% - Your average guy who is putting 30-40% down on a 1-3% roi farm…. “Working hard to make it work”. I personally think most those buyers are dropping off daily. MOST of these guys are out of the market. The ones remaining are dwindling.
This does 2 things - it will make wealthier buyers smell blood in the water & start to get a bit more cautious. 2nd, it sets us up for an “EVENT” to happen to pull both pools of buyers out. A recession for example- rec ground will slow way down. A big drop in grain- say corn settles at $4…. That’ll take some wind out of some guys sails. What the event are - who knows. But we one event away from big slow down. And as it is…. It’s slowing as it is. Doesn’t mean “collapse” or massive discounts.., means SLOWER. & IMO - it’s only gonna get slower.
If/when we get event or recession- buyers will pull back hard for a time. THAT is when to buy!!!!!! & IMO & speculation - if that happens…. BUY when it slows down (when folks don’t want to buy but when you SHOULD be buying) & “soon after” IMHO- rates will get cut and ground will start picking up steam again. Maybe im wrong but that’s exactly what im gonna do.