Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. Lucky 13


    Started with 316 nuts. So far 17 didn't make it. Definitely still lots to learn 1/3 are 5 weeks old 1/3 are 4 weeks 1/3 are 3 weeks
  2. Lucky 13


    Placed these in the pots about 3-4 weeks ago. They are growing but the cooler temps and all the rain seemed to slow them down some. Hoping to get them in the ground later this year. Question- How do you guys over winter them so they can be planted in the spring when they are still dormant...
  3. Lucky 13


    I believe sorghum, milo, egypt wheat would be fine.
  4. Lucky 13


    That looks AWESOME! I started with a few this year and it has been a lot of fun so far. Got about 95% germination rate. Hoping to get some in the ground later this year.
  5. Lucky 13


    Thanks Sligh. Very much appreciate your help!
  6. Lucky 13


    I got my chestnut seeds out of the fridge this week and placed them in some treepots I got from Stuewe and Sons. Roots are about 2-3 inches long My question is- Should I place them in full sun or part sun? Or should I use a mesh shade net? Thanks
  7. Lucky 13

    Grass. Seed

    Best time- Early September However, you can do it any other time when ground temps are around 60. You will just have more weeds to contend with if you do it in the spring and you will have more watering to do if you do it in the summer.
  8. Lucky 13

    Nebraska senators propose bill to allow landowners free tags and more

    I believe the current wording is UP TO 4 permits per owner with a maximum of 1 permit per 80 acres. So if you own 1000 acres you are maxed out to 4 permits and if you only own 80 acres you would get 1 permit. The wording in the current bill is kinda vague and would need to be worked out. In...
  9. Lucky 13


    IMO- Everybody's opinions and talking about the problem have merit but in reality, it means nothing. The likelihood of anything changing for the better on a state level is near zero. Most likely, it will get worse. So, if you plan to still be hunting in the next 10-20 years, you better be...
  10. Lucky 13


  11. Lucky 13


    IMO, it comes down to the actual hunters in an area practicing QDMA. I hunt both Nebraska and Iowa (Ringgold) for 30+ years. NE has 10 days of rifle season in the middle of the rut, 90+ days or archery, a month long muzzleloaders season and a late rifle season and it has little effect on the...
  12. Lucky 13


    Thanks for the reply. I think I will just go with the Chinese. This will be my first large scale attempt with Chestnuts and I don't need any additional drama. Thanks Again.
  13. Lucky 13


    Just looking for some clarification on Dunstans... I have heard some say that they don't do well in Iowa zone 5. Can someone clarify if this is true or false. Thanks!
  14. Lucky 13

    Shotgun 1 Who’s hunting?

    Look forward to it every year. Good Luck and Be safe!
  15. Lucky 13

    Rough season

    most likely you will never really get ahead of the coyotes but I love calling them at night more than any other type of hunting. The only thing that has much of an impact in "mange", and then only temporary. Pup in Distress is always the go-to after some rabbit sounds and vole sounds. The...
  16. Lucky 13

    Surprise bucks?

    I hunt 80 acres located with large timber on two sides of me and AG on the other two sides. I keep trail cameras up year round and only get a few pictures of a couple does and a couple fawns all year until mid October. Then my green plots get hammered with dozens of new does and bucks when the...
  17. Lucky 13

    Anyone else struggle with standing crops around your hunting spots?

    plant a plot of a variety of greens that will be lush during the rut. I like a mixture of peas, soybeans and oats planted in early august. Top dress with rye in September. Creates lots of green browse during the rut and beyond.
  18. Lucky 13

    Seeding Your Lawn

    I've been in the fertilizer and seed business for 12 years now. you can try this late in the year but most likely you will have poor results. anything that germinates and sprouts will most likely be killed if we have a hard winter. I would recommend waiting till spring at this point or you can...
  19. Lucky 13

    Buck Doe ratio

    Thanks Mattstark- that makes perfect sense to me then. On my property I have found that the does/fawns stay pretty tight to the alfalfa and beans(many times bedding right in it) throughout much of the year and the bucks tend to hold off further in the timber. There was a video posted a couple...
  20. Lucky 13

    Buck Doe ratio

    Mattstark- Just out of curiousity, can you describe your land and habitat for me (acres, cover, water, food, etc). My land turned to mainly bucks after I made habitat changes and interested to see if your property has similarities. IMO, it's hard too get an accurate representation of ratios...
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