Charlie Lueth
Lots of problems going on where I hunt this year. To start off, the coyotes are worse than they've ever been in the 10 years I've hunted this property. Several times Ive witnessed them chasing deer. I've been seeing 1-5 per sit. If I take a few days and try and get a couple with the rifle, will others move out of the area? Yesterday morning it wasn't the yotes stirring everything up, it was the neighbors dogs running through the timber. I think we all know the solution to this problem. I saw them on camera this summer but I didn't think much about it. Lastly, the neighbors cattle have been all over this property when they aren't supposed to(150 acres alfalfa) I've talked to him several times and he's chased them back in and "fixed" the fence. The next day there was 20 out instead of 12. Since he obviously isn't going to fix the fence, I'll have to do it myself. Since the cattle have been in there I've had 7 of 8 cuddelinks go offline (batteries replaced 3 weeks ago), coincidence? Do you think it's possible to salvage my season with all the pressure I need to put on it to "fix" these problems?