Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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    Planter For Sale = 4 row Food Plot

    Can you pull it behind atv? Lol. Looking for a grain drill you can pull behind atv
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    QUIET KAT BIKE REVIEW- horribly disappointed!!!

    How do you build your own? Where you get your components to build your own?
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    Norway spruce tree planting issues

    I'm not an expert on trees so I'm not familiar with fertilizing them. I've been told not to fertilize for the first couple years of a trees life but you would think a little foliar spray wouldn't hurt. I know I've been told cedars do way better by a couple experts I know but I like to know the...
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    Norway spruce tree planting issues

    Here's a good one that's dark green and fuller planted in same soil and same environment
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    Norway spruce tree planting issues

    Ive been planting these norways in the same spot of property and alot of them keep looking like this. Are they nutrient starved? Why are they looking bare up the trunk and lighter green?
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    DIRT WORK- SOUTHERN IOWA- ponds, clearing, etc.

    Thanks. Do you know anyone that's good for around warren county, Madison?
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    Burnstrips for planting switchgrass

    I am planning on frost seeding and or having switchgrass drilled in this spring and am trying to figure out how to create burn strips between where I've planted trees and where the switchgrass and miscantus grows or is being planted? How wide do you make these and what do you seed down in these...
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    Game feed or habitat meetings once a month

    I'm totally down. As soon as there's enough guys that are interested we could start something. Just as an idea maybe we could have like a featured farm to look at and then grab lunch or dinner that day in the area. Fun times:)
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    Is it recommended to plant green burn strips between switch grass and timber or can switchgrass be planted and burned right up against the timber?
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    Silky willows for sale?

    Anyone know where a guy can buy some silky willows? Want to plant them for a quick screen and heard they hold their leaves into fall. I checked bigrocktreees and they are out of stock.
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    Game feed or habitat meetings once a month

    Whats everyone's thoughts on having a habitat dinner on weekends like once a month or some way getting all like minded guys together to chat habitat stuff like a game feed. Looking for ideas or what others think.not sure where everyone lives or how close they live to Desmoines metro. I feel it...
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    What u doing now deer hunting related?

    When the snow isn't on the ground and it's not too slippery, been cutting trees and trying to thicken up property and cut for more screening along property borders and bedding pockets. Yesterday frost seeded over last year's brassicas plots with clovers. Getting areas ready to frost seed...
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    Is that regen or switch next to your cedars? That looks nice
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    Thanks. I tend to overthink everything in life lol. Thanks for the assistance
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    I wanted to understand this a bit better since there's alot of details here. So should I do this? Frost seed clovers and oats in each plot and then in July kill off 90% of clover and plant 45% in peas,oats and rye and the other45% in brassicas? Then rotate the grains and peas with the brassicas...
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