Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. M

    Taxidermist in Iowa buying Land

    Not bursting any bubbles but I am a lender and $30k down doesn’t get you much….. with todays prices and most lenders requiring 20-30% down.
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    Honey Locust Tips

    How big are the locust trees?
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    Honey Locust Tips

    Not telling you what to do but there is no reason to double girdle if treating the bottom cut with chemicals. The double girdle method is a tactic used when no chemical is to be used and to keep the target tree from grafting over a single cut. Double girdlestypically work best on mature trees.
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    Honey Locust Tips

    I did a pretty good sized TSI job and have also killed HUNDREDS of locust in pasture cleanup. I also talked with the chemical rep and a university forester and the non target tree issue comes when the same species grafts roots. So by killing a locust next to an oak you would be safe. Any...
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    Brain damaging land Prices

    On the Federal side right now you would have to have a large land estate value to worry about inheritance tax. Heirs get step up in basis upon your death which is not taxed RIGHT NOW……And as long as your estate is under SEVERAL million dollars. I’d have to look at that number again.
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    Need an ATV - UTV

    Oh BTW I may have a Ranger for sale after all skips insight!! ;):(
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    Brain damaging land Prices

    What county were those sales in? $500 rent on $15,000 land is 3.33% ROI less taxes etc, stock market been flat, and farmers love land. Land has appreciation in addition to rent. Not justifying but work with land buyers daily. Let me tell you there is A LOT of money in farmers hands from last...
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    Well may have to rescind my email to my senator….. doh… well almost…. ;)
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    Need an ATV - UTV

    What issues you run into with Polaris Rangers?
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    NEW B&C rankings…. By state..

    Entries in record books or YouTube videos with the county and state names plastered all over not much difference IMO in drawing attention to Iowa deer hunting. I’d almost suggest that majority of people are not trying to draw based on looking at harvest records in P&Y or B&C but instead social...
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    Seeing a lot of these….

    Yeah you guys are lucky!!!! I can count on one hand the number of flocks I’ve saw traveling Bout 15 miles to check cows morning and evening. It is BAD around me. Did jump a couple Tom’s shed hunting today. It is depressingly quiet out my back door at day break!!
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    NEW B&C rankings…. By state..

    How does NR mule deer work in sask??
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    NEW B&C rankings…. By state..

    I agree, just because a deer was not entered doesn’t mean that it doesn’t hit the public eye. Be it social media, this site or a trophy buck competition, IMO the average joe applying in Iowa is not getting their interest from P&Y or B&C clubs. So I understand where you are coming from but I...
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    Multiflora rose/oriental bittersweet removal?

    Another good way is to wait for full bloom and hit with chemicals mentioned above. Cover entire foliage is needed tho.
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    NR buy all the season tags and Muzzy Only first time ever!

    SW Iowa NW MO bird numbers are the worst they’ve been in 20+ years!!
  16. M

    Best place for selling old farm equipment

    Is the 4 row 7000 a no-till? I am looking for no-till coulters for my 4 row
  17. M

    Iowa Deer population, by year, graph….

    I don’t have the luxury of having a standing corn food plot but there is a reason why hunters knock it down and it sure isn’t ONLY for more visibility…. :D:p Deer will eat on the stalk but not nearly as much as when it is on the ground after coons have hogged it down.
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    Iowa Deer population, by year, graph….

    I had a case identical to this this past fall. Landowner used to let me hunt but now his family hunts it and doesn’t allow me to hunt. Had balls enough to call and say their shotgun group needed to hunt a piece I have run of because too much deer damage on their adjoining row crop. I said sure...
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    Ringing Cedar

    They typically stand for awhile. Longer than a lot of trees but double ringing (even single) has worked for me.
  20. M

    Iowa Deer population, by year, graph….

    I agree with your timeframe. I do think we had some carryover mature deer that were trailing they high populations up to 2012 which would be a 5-6 yo buck from 06/07 high pops. And quality in numbers has not returned from 2012 EHD!!
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