Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. Duckriver

    Talk to me about crimpers

    It all depends on your objectives. If you want to add organic matter at higher rate and have more biomass on ground to suppress weeds.....crimping helps alot. That is assuming you crimp the right species at the right time. Crimping breaks the stem on mature plants. It is highly likely that...
  2. Duckriver

    Sunflower plots?

    Have planted about 10 acres each year for doves. Deer will eat them. They don't produce alot of tonnage of forage. Use a JD 7000 Finger planter and it does a good job with size 2 sunflower with a population around 18k. Have drilled them but they produce smaller heads with same population. I...
  3. Duckriver

    HSB 610 Nonresident Landowner Tags

    Email sent....thanks fishbonker for keeping us updated so we can do our part.
  4. Duckriver

    CP25 vs CP4D CRP Programs

    Fyi.... new crp signup begins Monday.
  5. Duckriver

    Carcus cam

    Amazing. Cool photos
  6. Duckriver

    Leasing out Tillable

    Written contracts. Consider adding required no-till and multi- species cover crops to NRCS standards also. That would make them plant things like wheat, oats, turnips, clover,etc each fall. It would really add to your available food for deer. Plus its the same stuff you likely put into food...
  7. Duckriver

    Down goes Groot

    Congratulations buddy! Great buck and thanks for sharing.
  8. Duckriver

    Most visible arrow fletching & wrap- alternative to lighted nocks?

    I have white reflective wraps and white/neon green fetching. The reflective is very bright at night when shined with a light.
  9. Duckriver

    Crp changes

    Fyi....ebi score needed to be accepted this time around was 175 or greater.
  10. Duckriver

    Unclear on switch vs crp and when to use each.....

    The terms will be the same. But the species in mixtures and rates can be very different in each state. Cp22 is riparian forested buffer. It could have a strip of native grass included. Cp2 is native grass. Not sure about the payment unless it was enrolled as a conservative reserve enhancement...
  11. Duckriver

    Unclear on switch vs crp and when to use each.....

    I know what you mean when asking switchgrass vs crp. For the sake of clarity, switchgrass is a native warm season grass. Crp is a program that may include various types of grass or trees planted on ground that is "rented" by government farm services agency for 10 years or more. Just want to use...
  12. Duckriver

    Crp changes

    Crp grassland does not pay anything like General crp in most cases. But it also does not have as many restrictions. Its much simpler.
  13. Duckriver

    New CRP program

    Google "fsa notice 934".
  14. Duckriver

    New CRP program

    Currently the 30 option is limited to crp buffer type contracts set to expire this fall. That is why he got a postcard and its not available to everyone at this time. If it will cash flow the payments...it would be hard to walk away in my opinion.
  15. Duckriver

    Warm season grass management

    Post Pictures if you have them.
  16. Duckriver

    Tactacam Reveal X

    I bought some from scheels and they shipped to my door last week. Not tried yet.
  17. Duckriver

    Crp changes

    All the applications made back early in 2021 and that were not approved....have been kicked out of fsa system and thrown out. You must go back and sign up by mid July!!! Rates can be +/- 50% of what they were earlier. But there are several new incentives to bump up rentals payments. Continuous...
  18. Duckriver

    What should I do for this pond moss?

    Like said above...copper sulfate or copper complexes. That will help control it. But its a indicator of too high nutrients making its way into the pond. Look at filter strips to catch more nutrients field. Take advantage of CRP to install buffer.
  19. Duckriver

    CRP General Sign-up

    The new and improved crp will be great for wildlife. SAFE will move back to continuous sign up. If your not located in a SAFE area....look at the HELI option. Its pretty good as well. Dont forget that both of those are continuous and maybe eligible for an extra 50% practice incentive payment...
  20. Duckriver

    CRP General Sign-up

    If your have not filled a schedule f on income tax every year for last 10 years you will be considered a new or beginning farmer. Crp allows for those to bypass the one year ownership in most cases.
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