Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. nemohunter

    Minimum amount

    Maybe it's been mentioned but buying a flat piece of ground is going to hunt a lot smaller than buying land with varying topography. 80 acres that's got some hills will hunt a lot larger and will feel a lot bigger than 80 or whatever the parcel size is.
  2. nemohunter

    Cross Bows in Iowa....? I hope not

    Missouri is having this same debate now, all I can ask is if most pro crossbow people claim that shooting a compound doesn't take much time or skill to hunt with anymore then why is there a need for crossbows to be allowed for anyone other than the elderly or disabled? Seems to me that there is...
  3. nemohunter

    Illinios deer herd down the drain!

    Yes, I believe hand grenades and land mines are also being allowed this year, don't want leave anyone out
  4. nemohunter

    cobuying land

    Bought ground with my brother before, didn't go well, won't buy ground with anyone else after that.
  5. nemohunter

    Ground blinds

    Midway USA had the double bull blind for sale for 259 I'm pretty sure, said it was limited quantity, I have one and like it.
  6. nemohunter

    brush in or not?

    I try to brush them in most of the time but sometimes I haven't. I think it affects the movement a little in the short term but I also think if there's a something that the deer want in the area like a good food source they'll be back pretty quick. Be interesting to see what your test shows.
  7. nemohunter

    explain this: just saw a set of twin fawns from stand

    I saw one with spots Saturday morning, was pretty surprised to see it.
  8. nemohunter

    Missed the buck of a lifetime tonight

    Saturday evening I had the biggest buck I've got on trail cam this year on either of my farms at 100 yards, grunted twice at him and he started coming in, about 50-60 yards out something spooked him and he turned the other way. It was really tough watching him go the other way but at least I...
  9. nemohunter

    Standing corn

    There is a ton of sign in between the woods and corn but I have so much area where the corn and woods meet because of how the timber lays that it's hard to know where to be. I have another farm a bit north of this one without any crops and been seeing good deer but been hunting it a fair amount...
  10. nemohunter

    Standing corn

    Anybody else dealing with a lot of standing corn in their area, been tough hunting to say the least. Hoping it comes out very soon.
  11. nemohunter

    Off Topic: major infestation of box elder bugs. HELP

    Guy at mfa told me he sprays it in his and had little kids, he said he just kept it near the baseboards. I mainly just spray outside my house where a bug might be able to get in, I spray about every month and half.
  12. nemohunter

    Off Topic: major infestation of box elder bugs. HELP

    Bayer tempo sfc will kill anything, about 50 dollars from MFA in a concentrate but will kill anything that touches where it was sprayed for a month, one bottle will do numerous sprayings too. Spray on my house around windows, foundation, everywhere, don't find bugs in my house at all.
  13. nemohunter

    Slick trick broadheads

    Thanks for the info on these heads everybody, appreciate it.
  14. nemohunter

    Slick trick broadheads

    I plan on shooting them first, been a while since I shot fixed and trying to decide between these or the muzzy trocar, slick tricks get really good reviews for accuracy but since I have to order the broadheads just want to try and make sure I get the better one
  15. nemohunter

    Slick trick broadheads

    So you've not had any major adjustments when switching from your field point to this head out to 35-40 yards?
  16. nemohunter

    Slick trick broadheads

    Does anyone know if a new package of slick trick heads come with a practice tip or practice blades, wanting to order some, thanks
  17. nemohunter

    Bow question

    Is your peep sight moving in the string?
  18. nemohunter

    Couple MO deer, any guesses on score?

    Yeah, they are on 2 different farms, should've mentioned that.
  19. nemohunter

    Couple MO deer, any guesses on score?

    I think I got the pics uploaded finally, they showed up for me, if they are let me know what you think.
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