Anybody else dealing with a lot of standing corn in their area, been tough hunting to say the least. Hoping it comes out very soon.
Do u have any scrapes along your corn? If so put some active scrape out over and existing one or make a mock scrape...l
There is a ton of sign in between the woods and corn but I have so much area where the corn and woods meet because of how the timber lays that it's hard to know where to be. I have another farm a bit north of this one without any crops and been seeing good deer but been hunting it a fair amount and wanted to give it a rest. My vacation is next week so hopefully things pick up even more, corn or no corn I'll be in a stand all day.I agree with this- there are a crazy amount of scrapes along the entire length of the corn field for me- and they are actively being hit - my decoy will be just off the corn here soon