Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. dbltree

    Tree Planting

    Yes we do but it tends to hit reds harder then white's so hybrids would be a good choice
  2. dbltree


    You could add the peas if you wish
  3. dbltree


    Dave is correct go ahead and spray Blackwell not bad but look at low germination and high dormancy % of bottom 2....:confused: The blackwell will do fine ;)
  4. dbltree


    I'm guessing 35-40 will be real close unless you want to calibrate the drill. Take a picture of the Ernst seed tag and post it please, there is a reason there seed is so cheap ;)
  5. dbltree


    It's important to remember that at lower soil and air temperatures , switchgrass may germinate but it could take 10-21 days to emerge so germination and emergence are two very different things with lots of variables. Typically emergence is around May 10th in central and southern Iowa but...
  6. dbltree

    Tree Planting

    I would save only the dominant stem, but if someone knows otherwise please share.
  7. dbltree


    April 20, 2014 Fred sent in some pics of his new switch grass seeding prep work, very well thought out and exactly the way it should be done. He prepared by mowing late last summer, waiting for regrowth then spraying with glyphosate and SFM-75 ( Oust XP), then dormant seeded this past winter...
  8. dbltree

    Cereal Grains and cover crops

    Looking good
  9. dbltree


    We use only generics with outstanding success, just make sure it's at least 41% or higher
  10. dbltree


    Rains will work seed thru thatch, and to some extent the same with Atrazine, however it does work better on a clean surface. 90% of switch is frost seeded into killed sod that leaves the same thatch you have and all are successful so I wouldn't worry about it. ;)
  11. dbltree


    We found we better all season control using higher rates, especially on heavy soils
  12. dbltree


    What are you spraying?
  13. dbltree


    Simazine may cause injury to switch seedlings so keep that in mind. You can also use 4 ounces Panoramic and clip weeds as needed or simply mow weeds 8-12" high the first year. Atrazine works best but requires a license to purchase so it's not for everyone Check with your local co-op, they...
  14. dbltree


    I'll probably be all right but I prefer to let the clover get a little more growth before spraying
  15. dbltree


    Wow! Great prices!
  16. dbltree


    Soil temps need near 70 degrees for more then a few so we're looking at early May at best ;)
  17. dbltree


    That's pushing it so I definitely do a germination test
  18. dbltree


    I'm not aware of one but mix it well the bottom will be some serious sludge ;)
  19. dbltree


    Panoramic will work but use only 6 ounces per acre 2nd year
  20. dbltree

    Apple/Pear Trees

    We just use a couple bags of topsoil per tree but you could add some peat moss if you want.
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