Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. dbltree


    To put things in perspective... All my original stands I mowed and sprayed the fall before, winter seeded and did absolutely nothing after that. The first year it was a mass of weeds including foxtail, the second year switch was evident (first year there was none to be found), foxtail did not...
  2. dbltree


    You would be pushing it, normally I suggest spraying right now but you will have to wait until late November to make sure the switch is fully dormant. It should be fine but there are many unknowns and variables that make advice hard to give with 100% assurence impossible to give. Foxtail...
  3. dbltree

    Cereal Grains and cover crops

    September 23rd, 2014 Jesse notill drilled oats and annual clovers Berseem and Crimson clover into this plot this past spring. In late August he killed the clovers with 1 quart glyphosate and then drilled the Dbltree /LC cereal grain mix into the killed clovers. The clovers can provide...
  4. dbltree

    Apple/Pear Trees

    We don't use glyphosate on fruit trees because if there is even a small open wound or small sprouts coming up, the tree is going to be toast. We also use window screen stapled tight up against tree and tight to ground to keep borers, mice and rabbits from tree. Look back in this thread for...
  5. dbltree

    Cereal Grains and cover crops

    We have never had to mow, generally deer keep it under control but monitor growth and clip if necessary. Excellent job on the plots!
  6. dbltree

    Egyptian Wheat

    Try Iowa - Missouri hybrids next year, Aaron will ship exactly what you need and the seed has always performed well for us. 641-919-1695
  7. dbltree


    I think heavy browsing, they may wipe it out anyway but urea wouldn't hurt to encourage additional growth
  8. dbltree

    Egyptian Wheat

    I don't think I have seen anything like that yet? Did you purchase seed from same supplier? Not sure I have the answer but you definitely grew a great crop of EW! :)
  9. dbltree


    . That is what I would do, otherwise you lose a year waiting to find out.
  10. dbltree


    Don't spray anything and see if it fills in, your stand is clean as a whistle!
  11. dbltree

    Cereal Grains and cover crops

    September 17th, 2014 Jess sprayed the annual clovers and weeds (where we had brassicas last year) to prepare for the winter rye mix. He notill drilled the cereal grain mix the very end of August. He didn't have time to mow but other then looks it really didn't matter. The drill knocked it...
  12. dbltree

    Native Warm Season Grass

    Native Warm Season Grass we planted 3 years ago and we will burn it next spring under CRP MCM (mid contract management) which means we get paid to enhance our habitat ;) If you are seeding prairie grass this winter or spring you should be in the process of killing existing CSG (cool season...
  13. dbltree


    You bet, best to let grass grow a little before spraying
  14. dbltree


    Yes, use one quart gly and the clover will still survive
  15. dbltree


    Urea will sure help if you get it on just before a rain, like anything brassicas have a limit to how much grazing pressure they can stand. That's why we have clover around the perimeter and the rye mix to decrease pressure on the brassicas. It's pouring here in SE Iowa again this morning!
  16. dbltree


    Yikes! That stinks
  17. dbltree

    Cereal Grains and cover crops

    Well done, thanks for posting!
  18. dbltree

    Apple/Pear Trees

    The fruit trees are doing great this year Most are pretty consistent, bearing fruit every year Tree orchards that include fruit and chestnuts planted in our plots add an element of attraction usually not found on property next door. It takes a few years but once they start bearing...
  19. dbltree

    Egyptian Wheat

    I have never seen that with EW, I have with forage sorghum. Hard to say but 200# urea will sure make it grow :)
  20. dbltree


    When broadcasting winter rye you can change go heavier 70-100# per acre. Forage radish 5-8# per acre.
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